EPISODE 5: Meet My Parents

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Y/n's Pov
"Nevermore was created as a safe
haven for our children to learn
and to grow, no matter who or
what they are" Principal Weems
says, everyone applauding her

"I realise most of you have heard about the unfortunate incident involving one of our students.
But I'm happy to report that Eugene is on the mend and is expected to make a full recovery,
thanks to our very own and only one
in existence, our healing witch, Y/n!!"
Everyone started clapping and
cheering after she finished her sentence

I will admit I got a bit nervous when a few students started seeing me as a saviour

"So let's focus on the positive "she continued " and make this Parents Weekend our very best yet" she finished everyone clapping

I was standing in between Enid and Wednesday "On the mend? He's in a coma, and he wouldn't be alive I it wasn't for y/n" Wednesday said annoyed

"Have you been to see him?" Enid asked
"Your his friend" Enid says

"I'm the reason he's in the hospital "
Wednesday says to Enid

"That is not your fault, okay?" I say and Enid then says
"The monster hasn't attacked anyone in the past week. Maybe you finally scared it off"

"Or maybe it went into hiding to avoid this weekend " Wednesday contemplates

We heard voices and it was Wednesday's family, while Enid and Wednesday were talking, I turn into my kitsune form and I tried to sneak away

I felt two strong hands grab me and lift me up, it was Wednesday, "Where are you going? " "Umm away from your family, look at them, I'm not what they'd expect to be in a family of people who love the colour black, I love pastels, maybe you should date some-" I tried to say but she cut me off

"No, your perfect " she said with no emotion like always
I turned into my human form and she put me down

Wednesday, Enid and I walk our separate ways, but Wednesday grabs my hand pulling me along with her to her family.

I turn into my kitsune form and hide behind Wednesday, they will hate me for sure

"There she is. Oh, how we missed those accusing eyes and youthful sneer" her father said, hugging her

"How are you, my little rain cloud?" Her mother, Mortica asked

"I thought thing was filling you in on my every move. I uncovered your feeble subterfuge almost immediately " Wednesday accused them

"So, how's the little fella doing?"
Gomez asked "Does he still have all his fingers?" He asked
"Relax. I haven't snapped any of his digits. Yet" Wednesday explained

"So tell us everything " Mortica says, they still haven't noticed me, I win HAH

"Since you've abandoned me here, I've been hunted, haunted.... and the target of an attempted murder" Wednesday smirk a little

"Ah, Nevermore. I love you so"
Gomez said putting his hand to his heart

"Mom, Dad, I want you to meet
someone " she said, moving to the side, and they see me

"Oh, you've got a pet" Pugsley says
He tried to pick me up, but I turn into a human quickly

"Sorry, but I'm a human, like you, hi I'm y/n Oaklin and I'm a witch" I say nervously

Wednesday takes my hand and says ,"She's also my girlfriend " They gasped, oh no, they definitely don't like me

I get ready for the criticism but it never came, only thing that did was a hug from everyone and Mortica saying  "I told you, you'd find love, I never said with a boy or a girl, but someone " she winked at Wednesday

I take a sigh of relief and I look at Pugsley, "I thought witches died out?"
"I'm the only one left, I was cursed by the one who died and was the last witch standing " I explained and he nodded in understandment

"Welcome to the family, Where's yours, I'd love to meet them" Gomez said and I just looked down and they understood right away

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bring up memories " Gomez apologised

"It's fine, don't worry "I say, smiling
"Oh also, you must go to the principles, bye-bye" I say waving and turning into a kitsune, running off to find Bianca

Wednesday's Pov
"She's quite the catch Wednesday" I hear my mom say, and I look at my girlfriend wandering off until I can no longer see her, then I walk off with my family to principles Weems office

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now