A Not So Lonely Night In My Dorm

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Y/n's Pov
I did not get a date to the Rave'N, as I'd be to scared to ask someone myself

I exhale as I close my wardrobe and I look at Grim on his book pedestal, I have a tutoring lesson with Ms. Thornhill tonight, but it's not 10 pm yet, it's only 8:45pm

I go open the door and I see Wednesday, "Oh hi Wednesday, come in" I say stepping to the side to let her in.

"Nice dorm, I didn't say it the last time I was here, I have some questions I want answered " she says sitting down on my bed, I joined her

"Oh um, ok, shoot" I say and she started with
"How did you know about the monster?"
"I don't, I just believe the rumours,
There is no way in hell that it's a bear"

"Finally someone with sense that's not Eugene, question 2,
why are you not in your pajamas, last time I checked, Enid says you change into them at half 8" she continued

"I have a tutoring lesson with Ms. Thornhill" I say and she nods, and says
"That night I was here with Ms. Thornhill, what was that about?"

"Oh right, might be a long story so....
I have sleeping problems ever since my parents died.... when.. I kilt them" I say, I look at her and her eyes widen

I continued "I was cursed by a witch, that died after it happened as its the most powerful spell no witch that's existed ever survived it,
but back to the story, it was late that night, I'd say, 3 am, maybe 4 am.
But I grabbed an axe
And a dagger, I put it in my back pocket
And went into my parents room, prepared with potions too"
I paused, my eyes started to water, and the tears fell

"I'm sorry-" "Don't apologise, you were young, everyone makes mistakes, my uncle always says, 'Mistakes are made, to be fixed" she says

"Your uncle seems cool" I say smiling, wiping away my tears "Continue Y/n" she says
"Right! Ya.... okay.. so I enter my parents room, and I turn on the light, so they can't see anything. Then, I cut into ny mother shoulder,
completely cutting it off, my dad heard the bloody murder from beside him.... he got up scared out of his depth and started running, but I threw a splash potion of sleep at his head, I got up from where I was, threatening my mother an even more painful death"
I paused again taking a big breath in and exhaling

"I cut my dad's head of his body,  I grabbed his head by the hair and I used my magic to spawn in a needle and thread... I sewed on my dad's head to my mother's shoulder, when I was finished, I grabbed my dagger, and plunged it  down into her heart, killing her"
Wednesday was silent, put her eyes were full with pity, I think?

"I was possessed... by the witch that cursed me, but I preformed a spell that got rid of her, but I couldn't leave what I had behind, which was Grim, my book" I say looking over at the sleeping snake spirit, that protects my book

"Wow.... i- I'm sorry, I don't know
what to say" she says, with slight emotion

I scared her by jumping at her with a hug, she pushed me away, but I was crying really badly, I turned into a kitsune, and walked away from her on my bed, curling up in a ball beside my teddy bear

"If you want a hug... I can give you one..
I have hugged a few people when i was younger, and i didn't enjoy them much
But... I think you need it" she says, and I look at her and run at her still in my kitsune form.

"Your really small as a kitsune.... how come? Aren't they supposed to be big?" She asked as we pull away

"Supposedly yes, but I'm 2 years behind on my growth schedule as a kitsune, so it's affecting my actual growth as a human, meaning I can no longer grow taller" I explained, turning back into a human

I get up from my bed and I grab my pills, taking two

"Why do you need those pills?"
"For my sleep paralysis, and my nightmares, you see that dream catcher above my bed, its strongly enchanted " I explained

"So it actually captures it?" She asked looking back at me
"Sometimes... the one I had that one day, was the first I had in 3 months" I explained and she nods, I look at the clock and see it say 9:23

"You should probably go, Ms Thornhill sometimes comes earlier then expected" I say and Wednesday nods, getting up

But as shes about to leave she turns back to me and says, "You know the Rave'N dance? Do you have a date for it?" She asked, looking over her shoulder at me

"Oh no, I don't " I say and I swear I saw her smirk, my face grew red, as she turned around amd she had the smallest smirk

"Wanna go to it with me?" She asked, looking at the floor after she said it
"YES! OF COURSE!" I say excitedly, hugging her again, her hands remain at her sides, but she slowly, put then around my waist.

I let go of her, "See you tomorrow" I say smiling and blushing
"Yeah, I'll pick you up at 8" she says, going back to her emotionless face, then she walks out the door closing it, I wait a minute until I dont hear anymore footsteps

And I start jumping around a little, I woke up an angry Grim and I had my tutoring with Ms. Thornhill for half an hour, and I improved, but she gave me a drink and I can't remember anything after it, but the next morning,
I woke up, with marks all over my inner thighs that looked like bruises
I just brush it off, it could've been Grim, he mightve hexed me because I woke him up

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now