Episode 3: Coffee Shop Helpers

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Y/n's Pov
"All students will report for their volunteer jobs at 10 am sharp, followed by community lunch at 1
As you know, this year outreach Day culminates in a very special event, the dedication of a new memorial
statue in the town square, which will also include performances by Nevermore students.
As representatives of our school, I trust you will all put your best face forward"

Principle Weems finished explaining what we will be doing today

And it is a handful to keep up with,
Ms. Thornhill hands me my volunteer job book, and I got a coffee shop called the Weathervane
Not the worst, but definitely not the best

Enid and Wednesday come up to me, "Hey Y/n, what you get?" Enid asked and I replied with  "The Weathervane "
"Oh cool, I guess" she looked away and she looked back at me smirking
"Sayy~ you know Xavier will be there", she said elbowing my side

I faked puked and Wednesday smiled a little, or was it my mind playing tricks, as I take a second look, it's in the same form as always

"I just hope whatever Eugene got he won't be with any of the boys that make fun of him, or any of the normies" I say worried.

"He'll be fine " Wednesday replied
I just nod and Weems comes over, so me and Enid leave

I get off the school bus, before Wednesday and I turn around when we aren't in the way of the door, "So.. I'll catch you later" I say, waving her off and she slightly nods, buy as I walk away she grabs my wrist, I look at her and she says ,"Can I borrow Grim?" "Uh... sure" I say making Grim appear, handing it to her as she slips it into her bag

"Thanks, bye now" she says with no emotion, I've never heard her say thanks?
Must be important I think walking off,
To the special announcement, principal Weems was talking about, the mayor was giving a speech

"Welcome, welcome.
Nevermore Academy.  Now, on behalf of the entire Jericho community,  we are so, so pleased to have you all here today. Your generosity and hard work are truly... outreachous!" He finishes laughing, I hold back a laugh, don't know why, I just laugh at everything

"Okay, everyone. We'll see you back here at one o'clock for lunch. Enjoy!" Principal Weems says, everyone going to where they must go.

I got to Weathervane and I tied my hair out of my face, but two pieces were dangling, framing my face

I put on the stupid apron, but it made me look skinny, so slay?

I sigh and go out to the counter, I see some people sitting down at a booth, so I guess they want me to go out there.

"Hello, what can I get for you 4 today?" I asked
"A date with you sunshine" he said winking, "Sorry but I swing with girls, not boys" I say glaring at that boy
"Right... um 2 cappuccinos one sweetened, 1 hot chocolate, not really hot so i doesn't burn his tongue, and a coffee with extra cream" one orders as I write it down

I repeated his order, and he says,
"That's  it" "Perfect" I say walking away, exhaling through my nose, my social anxiety can't right now

I started doing the cappuccinos, making one sweeter, then the hot chocolate, and I filt it up with warm milk 3 quarters of the cup, then the rest cold milk, so it's the right temperature and adding cream and putting on the cap. Then I finished the coffee with cream

I used my magic to help carry it, I placed down the two cappuccinos, and my magic put down the hot chocolate and coffee

"So.... your a witch?" One asked
"Um... yes" I say
"That's so cool, your the only witch I've met" one says excitedly

"Oh well because I'm the only one that exists, but um, hope you have a good day, and you owe, separately for each, this", I say putting down the bill, and they all pay, "Thank you" I say walking off

"Principal Weems, can I get you anything?" And she says  "Yes actually, a cup of coffee, just that is fine" she says as Xavier gives it to her
"You two are quite a team" she says taking a sip from her coffee

I go back behind the till, and Xavier goes and gets orders for another 15 minutes, and then we change around

I look up and see the principal, the mayor and Ms. Thornhill  I snapped out of it by Xavier

"I'm going on break now"
"Okay" I say going taking more orders, as Tyler comes in and finally starts doing his part of the shift

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now