Time To Die.... BITCH

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Y/ns Pov
It was Xavier,  he tried to shoot Joseph with his arrow, but he made it stop, he was going to send it back at him

I did a recless thing. I jumped off the balcony still in my dainty kitsune form
I landed, and Wednesday went to block the hit for Xavier, but I bet her to it

I jumped high into the air and the arrow went right through my side, coming out the other end

But when I transformed back, the arrow was only hanging out my side
It didn't hurt much, but it made me lose a bit of blood

I pulled out the arrow and I see Ajax, he pulls me away by my hand as I'm bleeding out

Wednesday's Pov
I was fighting Joseph and my sword then broke into pieces

When i felt someone behind me, I turn around and it was Grim
And he was the same blue visioned

Bianca stabbed Joseph, but she missed his heart and he turned toward Bianca, hitting her away and she went flying backwards

Grim slithered to me quickly and he turned into a sword, as he turned around, I stabbed Grim through Joseph's heart

He starts turning into dust,
ash and fire

We did it, his ring was the only remaining thing, as its now on the ground.

We heard a gun fill up and we look over to see Laurel

Pointing the gun at me

"You brought a gun to a sword fight.
It's probably the first smart decision you've made all day" I say

Damn girl roasting people now...
Literally tho... cause Joseph?
Ok ima stop now 😭

"I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday. " she started

Grim, turned back into his normal blue visioned self, and spawned back Y/ns  griomoire,

But then we heard a buzz noise
And a bee landed on her gun

Then a swarm of bees come out of nowhere,  surrounding Laurel

"Yeah, that's what you get for messing around with Nevermore. Bitch" Eugene says

"Hummers stick together, right?" He says
And I actually smiled, I sometimes suprise myself

"I'll take it from here" I says walking up to Laurel
"Maybe we should call the Sheriff?" Eugene's says, but I ignored Eugene and say " Turn around, Eugene "

I slammed my foot in her face

Me, Bianca and Eugene all walk out to where everyone should be and I see someone running towards me.

It was Y/n

She flung herself at me with a hug, I hugged her back instantly, her side was bleeding from the arrow, but it was okay now

She pulled away, a minute later, but I pulled her back into me, by her waist, for a kiss, and I hear a lot of gasps
But I didn't care
She pulled away and saw Grim

"GRIM!! I THOUGHT YOU BURNT!" she scolded him
"I'm immortal, I just wanted to start tension and piss you off " he snarked
She didn't sat anything else, but she hugged her book

Enid comes over and she hugged me, I hug her shortly and she was covered in blood

"So... I wolfed out" she says and i nod and say "That why your covered in blood?"

"It's not all, my blood" she smirked and I understood right away it was the hyde- .... Tyler's

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora