Episode 8: Dont Leave Me With Her!!

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Y/ns Outfit
You choose 💪

Y/ns Pov
I am currently hiding behind a pillar with the Nightshades, as we are going to trap Tyler, when I found out they were bad, I was shocked and didn't know what to say

We were listening to their conversation when we heard Wednesday say
"Who said I was alone"
Then we all came out from behind the pillars, surrounding him in a circle

I still had my stitches, that are getting removed tomorrow as I've had them for a week, but Wednesday said
'wait one more day to be sure'

"Okay, I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here"
Bianca started blocking his path

"Actually.... you're coming with us" she used her siren sound so he'd come willing

Ajax and Kent drag him to Xaviers hut

And they tie him up, I was hiding behind Wednesday the whole time, because she made me, not because I was scared, she wanted me to be safe

Bianca snapped her fingers near his ears waking him up, Wednesday let go of my hand, and walked forward
I walked to Divina so I was beside her

"Welcome back" Wednesday says to Tyler

"Where the hell am I?"
"Somewhere no one can hear your screams"

"Whats with the chains?"
"Don't ask stupid questions " Wednesday said

"Wednesday this is crazy. I'm a normie"
"That's only half true " Wednesday explained

She grabbed a picture and pointed at a women to show Tyler who she's talking about

"Do you recognise her? Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would've noticed yours sooner" Wednesday stopped for a second, then continued

"Your father fell in love and married an outcast" Wednesday finished, putting the picture back on the table

"Fine. My mom was an outcast. That doesn't make me a monster" Tyler claimed

"According to her personal medical records..."

"You stole her medical records?"
"Technically, Thing did. He took them from your garage. Your father's quite the pack rat" she said

"Her postpartum depression triggered her condition" Wednesday says

"My mom had severe bipolar disorder " Tyler chipped in
"We both know thats a lie. She was a Hyde. And your father has been living his life in dread, never quite sure whether or not she passed the condition on to you"

"Are you really all gonna stand there and let her do this to me? Y/n... help" he says panicked

I tried to go help, but Divina stopped me, "I told you she was to faint hearted Wednesday " she says

"Hold her then..." Wednesday says
"Uh, guys? Enid just texted. Thornhills suspicious. How long until he morphs into that..... thing?" Ajax asked

"I'm not the monster!" Tyler contemplated

The sound of her name makes me shiver... I know what she's doing, but she spelled me with Grim, so if she told anyone, I'd teleport to her and she'd.... Well.. it wouldn't be good, let's just say

I got snapped out of my daze when Bianca says "Wednesday what are you doing?"

"Just some light torture. Don't worry, I won't leave a mark" she explains
"Wednesday, hold on"
"Wait. Are you being serious?"

"There's only one thing that a Hyde understands. Pain" she explained
Walking up to Tyler and electrocuting him with a tazer

Bianca pushed her back from him and everyone started shouting
'Wednesday, No!'

"That's it. I'm out!" Yoko says walking out,the twins also leave

"Wait-" Bianca says "No, I'm done" ajax says
"Wednesday, I didn't sign up for this. Let's go to Weems, explain everything "
"Weem's won't help. And Tyler is always one step ahead of his father"
She said, pulling out another tazer

"Then you're on your own" Bianca says, grabbing my hand and dragging me with her

"No, don't leave me here with her, please!" Is the last thing we hear as we get to far away 

When we got back , I say to Bianca, "If your telling Weems,  say to Wednesday,  I didn't tell on her, because I'm not coming with you" "you got it" she then walks off with everyone else, I went to my dorm and Thornhill was there

"We don't have tutoring today"
"I know, but I wanted to see you"

She says standing up from my bed, making me walk backwards, I stopped as I was up against my wall

"Now... Time for some fun" she says, grabbing my chin and kissing me forcefully

I try push her off me, but I can't, she's way stronger than me

That's when i realised, she injected me with something

"No.... no not again. Someone's going to realise " I say tiredly, dropping to the ground on my fours

She crouched down on one knee, and grabbed my chin making me look at her
She says, smirking
"They'll never know... unless you tell them"

That's the last thing I remembered... I past out

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora