Wednesday's Birthday

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Y/n's Pov
As we are about to enter, Enid gets spooked as we hear a twig snap

"Enid, its fine" I say, as I hold onto Wednesday arm, it's not, I'm scared too

"You insisted on coming along. I was fine on my own, with y/n" she says, and we all enter

"Y/n looks like she's going to shit herself, look at her" Enid says, gesturing to me

"I know" Wednesday said, kissing the top of my head

"Seems like our wannabe Deep Throat is already here" Wednesday says shinning her light at the slightly open door
Enid takes a sniff of the disgusting smell, I can smell it too

"Ew. What died?"
"Smells like childhood" Wednesday responds
"That is where mine went then" I say, clutching Wednesday arm, more, hiding behind her

But Enid decided to stay outside, Wednesday signals me to stay outside too, and I do so

I get scared again, and hide behind Enid, but she gets a cake out of nowhere
"The fuck?" I say confused
"It's her birthday! She didn't tell you?" Enid says, oh my god

"No she didn't tell me" I said, "she doesn't like them, that's probably why, thing told me" Enid responds, as thing climbed up her shoulder and he had a little hat on

Enid then starts to push me inside
People where singing happy birthday

She looked at them in disbelief, but not me, she knows I didn't know it was her birthday

She looked at thing and said "What part of
"No party under the penalty of death"
do you not understand?" She said

"I thought my cake design was pretty inspired " said Xavier
It was the melted statue of Joseph Crackstone

"The pink balloon was my little touch" Enid smiled "Why don't you make a wish?" Enid continued

But Wednesday just looked the other way, and say some writing on a wall in a different language

"Wait, its Latin " she says, like she read my mind

"Fire will rain... when I rise" Wednesday reads out
"Okay, that's not really a wish" says Enid

"The first part of that was burned onto Nevermores lawn. It can't be a coincidence " Wednesday says, much more to herself, than anyone

"Wait, we're never eating this cake are we?" Ajax questions
And I look at him with a raised eyebrow

She started to drag her index and middle finger along the writing
But she got a Vision
I look at the situation like, what:0

She soon snaps out of it and we all walk back, after having cake, and damn, it was good

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now