The Mayor Almost Died

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Y/n's Pov
I just heard about what happened to the mayor, thanks to the person next to my dorm, and they told me Wednesday was there when it happened

I ran out of my dorm and ran all the way to Wednesday's in my kitsune form

As soon as i got there, Ms. Thornhill exited the room, she saw me and smirked,  evily
I got chills, so I turned into my human form, and she started to leave

I entered and saw Wednesday,
"Wednesday! Oh my god! What the fuck happened?" I asked her

"A car ran over the Mayor and now he is barely alive" I sigh a breath of relief as he's still alive

She was writing on her type writer, boy she loves that thing

"So.. um, do you want me to leav-" I started but she cut me off "No.. you can stay the night, ok babe?" She says

I felt my face flush at the nickname
"Ok" I squeaked and I summoned Grim, a little while later, Wednesday finishes writing and goes to bed with me

She's not a cuddler though, well that's what I thought, she started to spoon me
Again, I blushed like..... fucking hell, this girl is full of suprises

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora