Doctor Kinbott dies and Xavier is arrested!?

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You choose your outfit :)

Y/n's Pov
"Did you hear?" Enid asked
"About?" I asked
"Xavier and Kinbott, Xavier is arrested and Kinbott is dead" she says as I sit down on her bed

"I'm sorry... what!" I swear I miss so much shit when I sleep

"Ya... I'm sorry about Kinbot-" she got cut off by the doors creak

It was Wednesday, she was looking at Enid as she was unpacking her stuff
"You're back"

"I'm gone for a few days, the place gets trashed, and Y/n and Thing almost die. Someone's gotta look out for you three" Enid says, putting down her perfume

"What happened to rooming with Yoko?" Wednesday asked
"Yoko's great. I just decided I needed a few more boundaries" Enid says, picking up the tape, ready to tape a line again

"Skip the tape" Wednesday says and Enid smiles "Don't tell me Wednesday Addams is mellowing out?"
"Never. More like evolving"

"Well, one inch of duct tape at a time" Enid says

"Why the sudden change of heart?"
"Because we work. We shouldn't, but we do. It's like some weird, friendship anomaly. Everything you said about me is true. But I don't apologise for it. Not anymore.  Its just who I am " Enid says smiling

"Thing said he missed you" Wednesday says, I know she definitely missed her too, but she doesn't wanna say that
"I missed him too" Enid responds

"I'm sorry about Xavier " Enid says
"I'm not. He's a liar and a killer. Besides... there's nothing quite like the feeling of being proven right" Wednesday says, having a small smile

"Y/n, you gotta go, Thornhill is tutoring you again" Enid says and I get up to leave, but Wednesday pushes me back down

"She's tutoring you alot recently, and you are always tired after it, is she doing something to you?"
"No, she isn't, I guess it might be a little late for me" I say, unsure of what it is myself

She let's me leave, but kisses my lips, then she let's me leave

I walk to my room, and as I get in there
"Your late"
"I didn't know I had to be here at a pecific time? Isn't it to early?" I quirked an eyebrow, as the clock reads half 9

"Sit... or else I'll do much worse to you" she says smirking

I sit on her lap, as she pulled me onto it and she forces the same liquid down my throat
But I puke it up
"Bad... bad girl" she slapped me across the face
I glared at her
"Stop giving me that drug! and forcing sex on me! Ya.. that's right, I figured it out" I say angrily at her

"I used the drug so you wouldn't feel it.. but now, I think I might just.... kill you" she smirked
"Not literally.... I'm joking" she says, grabbing my chin, making me look at her

"Now... we are trying this again.... you tell anyone, I'll kill them" she said smirking
Repeating the same thing from yesterday
She's using me for Grim....
She's using Grim to cover up things  to make it seem Wednesday is lying
But I can't do anything than let it happen
The sexual and mental abuse from this
Women is insane

"Mistakes are made, to be fixed" Wednesday x Female ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu