"I have to leave right now" I said

"Fine, be safe" He pressed a kiss to my forehead and I turned around breaking into a full run towards the black car that was waiting for me outside of the school gates. I got into the car and draped a scarf over my head and some large shades. Once the car pulled onto the main road I removed the scarf and shades, throwing them into the backseat and patting my hair down.

"I did see my aunt earlier today" Kendrick said making making his cousin groan

"I've had such a great day so far, are you trying to ruin it Kendrick?" I questioned and turned to him seeing the slight grimace on his face from me calling him by his full name.

"I see you are now Student President, congratulations love"

"Thank you my dear cousin"

"What do you want to do?"

"Since you guys have made me eat like I was in a hospital for three days, I want enchiladas and all I really want is to climb into my bed once I have eaten" I smiled cheekily and Kendrick looked at me briefly before focusing his eyes back on the road.

"Do you want us to stop to get the food or have it made at home?"

"I think we should just get it now so I can catch up on some much needed sleep"

"Glad to see you're taking a break, I know you've done all that homework and so much reading. You don't need to work school wise for at least two weeks"

"I just can't do it you know?"

"Do what?"

"I just can't become a burden to all of you by constantly landing myself doctor's appointments. It's harmful okay, I've lost my work-life balance and I fully intend to get it back. I know you would have been back in London if not because you were concerned about me"

"First of all, stop calling yourself a burden and yes you lost your balance after that bastard broke up with you. I finally know why you always buried yourself in schoolwork, you even refused to come over for Easter this year even though you knew my parents love having you around. You are their daughter too, you know. Secondly, balance is a sense of harmony, it is something that is derived from being whole and complete" Kendrick said stopping in front of a drive through, a familiar one too and I zoned out completely as he ordered the food. Did I really work that much? I asked myself in my head, I closed my eyes and snapped them open when I felt the car come to a stop.

"Get out" Kendrick said dryly

I stepped out of the car wordlessly and realized I wasn't in Landon's house but in front of my father's office. It was Monday and I sincerely despite having an amazing day and being asleep the whole weekend, I sincerely did not want to see anyone. I just wanted some food and to crawl into bed for a good rest.

"Your father wants to see you" Kendrick said rolling his window down, I strode away from his car removing the sash around my body and taking the lift straight up to the topmost floor.

"Good afternoon" I greeted as I stepped into my father's office witnessing his secretary write down whatever he was saying. The secretary's head turned towards me and a fond smile drew up on his lips.

"Congratulations" He said as he passed by me

"Thank you" I replied


I took a seat in front of my dad, he assessed me with his eyes and kept looking at something which I presumed to be my hair.

"You always put your hair up. It's like you knew you were getting the position but congratulations on getting president, Miss Alexandria Woods"

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