Sayo Andou - Ostensibility

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Having just returned from the grueling Zodiac Exam, the school has given us a few weeks of relaxation with a few events in between. Most notably is the fact that there's going to be a culture festival, although not open to the public which kind of makes the festival pointless...but nevermind that. There's also going to be a sports festival afterwards, which I know is probably going to be a huge pain...

"Yo. You have perfect timing like always." A voice breaks me from my internal monologue.

"Kozue, did you need something from me?"

"Yep! Need you to deliver something for me." Kozue smiles as she offers me a package.

"...What is this?" I ask.

"Just some things for Sayo. I need you to deliver them to her in the dorms."

"...Why are you not delivering it yourself?"

"I have to go to the mall for some sort of discussion with my classmates. Probably related to the culture festival coming soon or something, I dunno. Point is that it'll save me a lot of time if you helped me deliver them so I don't have to go back and forth." She explains.

"What legal obligations do I have to become your errand boy?"

"None, but can you really say no to this face?" Kozue puts on her best puppy eyes and stares straight through my soul. Do not budge, Kiyotaka, do not budge...


I budged.

"...You have found my very exploitable character flaw and I do not like it one bit." I sigh as I take the package in my hands. I guess my fate is to forever be an errand boy for attractive females.

"Oh, chill dude. I owe you one, so I'll make it up to you later." She gives me a pat on the back before heading off towards the mall.


Reaching the dorms, I make my way up to Sayo's floor.

"...Hmm...Argh...This doesn't look right at all..." Surprisingly enough, I spot her door slightly ajar with her voice coming out of it. Actually, Sayo's presence in her own room isn't really that surprising.

"Sayo?" I call out her name a few times, but it looks like she's too preoccupied with what she's doing that she didn't hear me, or she's ignoring me completely.

"If you don't respond I'm opening the door." I try once more. Totally not because I might walk in on her changing, not at all. Although out of everyone, Sayo is one of the people least likely to hate me for seeing them undressed so there is minimal risk. She can't say I didn't warn her either, because I did. Opening the door slowly, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. That is until I looked in the bathroom to see...

Sayo doing... makeup? The girl is looking at herself in the mirror, trying to apply some sort of eyeliner. With how close the brush is to her eye, I really shouldn't break her focus or else she might hurt herself.

So I shall do the creepiest thing possible and stand from afar and watch her for a while.


Okay, I'm bored now.

"Hey there, Sayo. Please don't stab yourself in the eye." I say.

"AHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM!?" Sayo thankfully heeds my request and does not blind herself, but still jumps back in surprise.

"I was watching you put on makeup." I state.

"I know that! Why didn't you say anything!?"

"I did. Multiple times. In fact, I said 'Hey there, Sayo. Please don't stab yourself in the eye' just a few seconds ago. I think that counts as saying something."

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