Event - Midday Swim

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Today is the day I actually try to go on a swim. I put on my swimming trunks, before heading off towards the pool. I take a moment to analyze the big pool area.

"Hey! You with the legs!"

Being a person with legs, I turn towards the voice to see Onodera calling me over to the water. She's alone at the moment.

"Ahoy there, matey!" She greets.

"Hey. What are you up to? Why are you alone in the water?"

"Cuz I like water! Besides, nothing wrong with being alone every now and then. I was playing with Ruri and Nene, but they went out to get lunch."

"Are you not hungry?"

"Nah. I already ate a pretty big breakfast this morning, and if I eat too much I'll become fat and undesirable. I've gotta keep up my athletic tomboy motif!"

"If it means anything, I think the tomboy thing works well for you. It's cute."

"Hey! Where the heck did that come from!" She blushes.

"Did I say something wrong?" I tilt my head in confusion.

"Heck yeah you did! You're skipping like ten different steps here! Wait, is this a confession!?"

"How did you even reach that conclusion... and I'm pretty sure complimenting someone is a normal thing."

"...Well yeah! But it feels weird when you're shirtless! I mean I knew you were fit, but man! You're ripped!" Ah, so that was what it was. I forgot to wear my rash guard. Is that why people were staring at me while I walked?

"Hello, hello!" I hear a voice coming from right behind me. Turning around, I see two Class B students.

"Yo, Ayanokouji." Minamikata greets as Andou takes a few steps back to give me some space.

"Hey. How long have you two been there?"

"Since your failed confession. I am quite sorry for your loss." Andou teases, closing her eyes and pretending to feel sorry for me. I didn't even confess.

"Woah! I didn't even see you two walk over! Finally decided to go for a swim?" Onodera asks.

"Of course! I've been doing rigorous ab workouts every day for the past few weeks to get my tummy looking nice and tight for Ayanokouji!" Andou replies.

...Wait, what?

"Whoops! Did I say for Ayanokouji? I meant for the pool! Silly me!" Andou sticks her tongue out at me with a wink.

"Yeah...I recommend just ignoring her." Minamikata shakes her head.

"Thanks for the advice. You look really cute by the way, Minamikata. That swimsuit fits you really well." I compliment.

"Thanks, dude! You're looking pretty nice yourself." Minamikata compliments back with a smile. Andou pouts at me with a growing sense of... I don't know, jealousy or something?


"...What is it?"

"Where's my compliment? Sorry if I'm not your type or whatever, but if you're going to compliment my classmate you should at least acknowledge my presence." Andou pouts even more.

"Oh, my bad. You look nice too, Andou."

"You're just saying that now. After all the work I did too, how annoying. You know what? I'm gonna make you appreciate me." Andou suddenly takes a big step forward, getting way too close for comfort. She grabs my hand, and presses it firmly against her stomach.

"Wha-?!" Onodera exclaims.

"Do you feel that? That's a few weeks worth of hard work, and you are going to appreciate it, mister!" Andou says.

Well...this is very uncomfortable. Although her stomach does feel nice and firm, her efforts have certainly paid off. My hand is also very close to her-...I shouldn't be thinking about that right now.

"...Have I done something to offend you?" I tentatively ask.

"What do you think? You complimented a girl while completely ignoring the one standing right in front of you. Now appreciate my tummy!" Andou locks eyes with me in an aggressive manner. It's actually quite intimidating...

"H-hey! Calm the heck down! And let go of Ayanokouji's hands! He's really close to your-"

"Don't worry, Kayano. He won't do anything because he's so grossed out by me."

"I think you may be taking this a little too far..." I say.

"And I don't think you're taking it far enough!"

"...What does that even mean?"

"I don't know. Shut up. Just keep touching me."

"...Your face is turning red." I point out. Her face is getting more red every second.

"...It's because of the heat."

...She's not going to let go of my hand, is she? I suppose I'll have to tell her what she wants to hear.

"Andou, you are extremely fit and attractive. I am very blessed to be able to feel it for myself."

"Aw! How sweet of you to say that, Ayanokouji! I had no idea you felt that way." She winks at me.

"Sayo is pretty scary when she gets like this." Minamikata seems to be enjoying the situation. Or, more likely she is enjoying seeing me be very uncomfortable. She's not even trying to stop Andou.

Andou lets go of my hand, but unfortunately that causes my hand to move downwards and-

"OKAY! THAT'S ENOUGH! It's my turn to get all touchy-feely with Ayanokouji before the rating needs to be changed to mature!" Onodera leaps out of the pool, shoving Andou into the water in the blink of an eye.

"Oi! Did you really just push me!" Andou coughs a bit as she resurfaces. Onodera hugs me from behind and pulls her body against mine, bringing one of her hands to my abdomen.

"Holy! You're even more ripped than I expected! Why the heck have you been hiding these things with a rash guard?" Onodera's hands trail back and forth across my stomach. It doesn't take long for Andou to join the bandwagon...

"Woah, you're right. It's like I'm touching a rock..."

...I am finding it very hard to keep the beast in check right now.

"...Minamikata, why are you just letting this happen?" I call out to my salvation.

"Hmm?...Well, what can a girl like me do? Or perhaps you want me to join in?" Minamikata just silently sips on her drink while enjoying the events unfold. When did she even get that drink!?

...One of these days, Minamikata is going to feel my wrath.

I'm able to last only a few seconds before I slipped out of their grasp.

"Hey! Where are you going!" I hear them call out as I run. I retreat out of the pool area and hope I won't get caught. Swimming will have to wait another day.

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