1st Island Exam - Moving the Tent

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I unintentionally let out a sigh as I nailed the peg of the second tent with a hammer.

"Sorry for giving you a hard time." Hirata sheepishly rubbed his neck as he held the ropes in place.

"Oh, you don't have to apologize. I would feel bad if you had to do it alone."

"You don't have to worry about things like that. I like doing these things." He gave me a refreshing smile as he stood up.

"Alright, we're about halfway done. Let's end this quickly." Hirata and I went to the other side of the tent to hammer the remaining pegs.

"Hirata! Come here for a moment!" In a flash, Karuizawa latched on to Hirata's arm and began to pull him away. "Come on! Come here!"

"Ah, I'm not finished with the tent..."

"Aww! Can't you just leave all the work to Ayanokouji? Why don't you just spend time with me?" She pleads while pulling him with all her strength. Looking at Hirata's worried expression, I let out another sigh before speaking.

"...I can do it, go."

"But doing it alone is a lot harder-" Hirata still looked worried as Karuizawa kept dragging him away.

"It's alright, theres only a few things left."

"...S-sorry about this. Thank you, Ayanokouji. I'll be back as soon as I can." With that, Hirata stopped resisiting and let Karuizawa pull him into the woods. Somehow, I doubt he'll be back anytime soon. Picking up a hammer, I prepared myself for a difficult time.

"Hey! Need a hand?" Onodera pops up from behind me. Mori and Ichihashi also approached me.

"I don't want to bother you."

"Ah, think nothing of it! Least I could do after you stayed with me yesterday."

"I don't mind helping either. Hirata is got called away, and I think you really shouldn't be doing this alone." Mori says.

"I agree. The bitch had the audacity to take Hirata so you would be left with all the work." Ichihashi says while shaking her head.

"R-Ruri... I don't think you should be speaking that way. I'm sure she has her own problems..."

"Maybe so, but I don't care either way. Why should I be expected to forgive her just because she's dealing with her own problems? Having a hard life doesn't give you the right to talk down and hurt other people that have done nothing to you. Kokoro has done nothing but be nice to everyone, she doesn't deserve to be treated like that."

"Speaking of Kokoro, how is she doing?" I cut in.

"Kushida is with her right now. I think she wants to keep her distance from everyone in the class after what happened. I just hope Kushida is able to bring her back." Mori mumbles.

"Kokoro will be fine, she's stronger than she looks. Ah, enough of that! Come on, let's get this over with, what do I need to do captain?" Onodera nudges me with her shoulder.

"...Well, I need someone to hold the rope in position so it doesn't shift."

"Roger! This'll be easy!" As Onodera helped me with one side, Mori and Ichihashi went to the other side.

"Hmm... I've never done this before. Is this how you do it?" Mori asks while holding the rope. I gave them a few pointers, and they eventually got the hang of it.

"Thanks for helping me. This would take much longer if I did it alone."

"Don't sweat it. It's unfair that you were forced into this."

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