Saki Yamashita - Where the Fairies Fly

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There's still time before I need to go to sleep. As I wander the empty halls of the ship, I come across a familiar girl pacing back and forth.

"...Saki? What are you doing out this late?" The girl freezes for a moment at the sound of my voice, before letting out a sigh.

"Hello, sir...I'm just trying to hype myself up to do something right now."

"To do what?"

"...I...want to the Class A girl I yelled at..." She nervously rubbed her neck.

"To Nishi? Do you still feel bad about that?"

"Well of course I feel bad! And I deserve to feel that way!...I did a horrible thing to someone who didn't deserve it, and for a while my stupid pride wouldn't let me apologize to her. But...with how things are right now, I'd like to patch up any loose ends I have so I can focus on helping the Knight of Despair."

"Knight of Despair?"


"Oh I see..." Another nickname. So, while Manabe is the Queen of Hatred, Yabu seems to be the Knight of Despair. "Though, if you're worried about Nishi, she's fine. I was just with her. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she already forgot about the whole thing anyway."

"Still...even if that's the case, I think it's best if I apologize. If I don't, I think I'd feel even worse about myself than I already do."

"...You're acting a lot different from usual." At the very least, she's not as sad anymore.

"I can't help it, okay!? The whole situation I'm in is forcing me to be more mature than I want to be!" She sighs. "...Nanami's done a lot for me. For Shiho and Rika as well. I can't stand seeing her like that...and I can't help her without first finishing all my quests first."

"...To be honest, I was expecting you to be doing a lot worse than you actually are. I know you've been through something rough in the past, but the fact that you're able to own up to your mistakes and apologize is really impressive."

"Thank you, sir. I try my best...but I can't promise I won't snap at someone in the future. Even now...I still feel the darkness growing within me and sucking out my life essence...but I will persevere!" She declares.

"I see..."

"Actually, sir...I would like to ask if you would be willing to accompany me." She nervously asks. "You seem to be well aquatinted with her, so I feel it would be much less akward if you were there to mediate our conversation."

"Sure, I don't mind. I'll accompany you."

"Excellent!...But, sir. I realize this may be annoying, but would we be able to stop somewhere along the way?"

"Where did you have in mind?"

"A nearby leyline where I can draw power from when my mana reserves are low."

"...Based on what I know about you perhaps mean a convenience store?"

"You have much to learn, sir! Come, we shall head there straight away."


Saki and I walk relatively close to each other for the duration of the trip or...side quest or...whatever you want to call it.

I'm not too worried about whatever rewards it will yield considering that, if this were to be some role playing game, I would be the final boss or the overpowered hero character. Someone that people aspire to be or inherently fear. Or somewhere in between, but carrying over the best sides from both ends of the spectrum.

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