Event - Volleyball Time - Part I

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Ah, after a long test like the Zodiac Exam, a short break from school is in order. Usually I would be bored out of my mind wandering the streets, but not today. It's surprisingly tolerable outside, which is great because I've been invited to go out to the beach.

Yes, I got invited to a social event. I am very excited, in case you couldn't tell.

Seems that a lot of people had the same idea, as there were students from all classes and even all grades. At first I was with a rather odd group consisting of the idiot trio as well as Sakura and Kushida. Obviously the guys had ulterior motives to be coming to the pool gathering.

Arriving at the pool, I changed quickly before heading out to the beach area. The girls I came here with seem to still be changing, so I wander around nearby coming across rows of outdoor umbrella tables. One particular table catches my attention, however.

"Hey there. Welcome to the best table on the beach. Hope you're savoring this moment as much as I am." Mori gives me a wave as I approach.

"Is it the best because you're sitting here?" I ask.

"Yes...no...kinda...? Ruri is here too, if that's the type of girl you prefer." She gestures to the other person sitting across from her.

"Do not worry, Nene. I believe Kiyotaka here is a man of culture, and as such he is able to appreciate types of girls including but not limited to... all of them." Ruri confidently states while crossing her arms and closing her eyes. "You can take my word for it, as I am a professional cultured individual myself and can attest to how cultured people think."

"...So are you just sexually attracted to everyone? Or..." I trail off.

"I'm just a rather curious girl with an insatiable appetite for new happenings."

"That is her way of saying yes." Mori deadpans.

"Do not pretend like you are not the same, Nene. After all, did we not have that passionate moment in the changing room?" Ruri states. I give a... questioning look towards Mori.

"...No!" Mori sputters as her face goes red as she frantically waves her arms. "No, no, no! Do not believe a word that she says! We did nothing of the sort!"

"How cruel... to say that just minutes after we pressed our naked bodies against each other..." Ruri wipes away a fake tear, before she keels over after being karate chopped by Mori. "Augh! My spleen!"

Meanwhile I desperately try to wipe away the mental image that is starting to form in my head before it spirals out of control.

"I apologize on behalf of this idiot, Ayanokouji." Mori mutters. After getting over the pain of being struck, Ruri takes a good look at me before nodding in approval.

"Can I say that I love your outfit, Kiyotaka? I thank you for the eye candy. You should wear it more, or you should at least wear it when I'm around." Ruri thanks me, which would normally be flattering but...

"...I'm only wearing swimming trunks, Ruri." I point out. I didn't even wear a rash guard.

"Did I stutter?"

...Scary. Very scary. "I... suppose I should thank you for wearing a swimsuit too?" I tentatively ask.

"Yes you should indeed, thank you. I am feeling awfully cute today." Ruri smiles at me.

"You're always cute, Ruri." I follow up.

"A brilliant display of flattery, Kiyo."

I turn towards the other side of the table. "Thank you as well, Mori."

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