Nene Mori - Model

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Today I find myself looking for some new clothes early in the morning. There's no particular reason why, I just thought it would be nice to have an extra set. Walking into what looks like an expensive clothing store, I look around to find something that looks good. Unfortunately I quickly realize that I have no idea what looks good or not.

Curse you, lack of fashion sense.

"Woah! Ayanokouji!" Mori exclaims as I turn a corner and almost bump into her. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I was looking for some new clothes to buy." I explain.

"I see. There's actually a sale on men's clothing right now, so instead of a million points, everything is only a few thousand."

"...They're not really that expensive... are they?" Because if they are, I'm gonna settle for wearing my school uniform everywhere, even if it gets dirty.

"Hahah, no, I'm just messing around. Nobody charges that much for clothes. Though, I guess everything here is pretty expensive in comparison to the ones back on campus. But, you probably have some extra points to spare, right?"

"Well I'm not poor by any means, but I don't know if this high-end stuff would suit me."

"Hey, don't say that! I think you'd look really handsome in some of them. I can help you pick out some stuff if you want."

"Maybe some other day." I politely decline her offer.

"Aww, alright then. Well you probably have someone else you'd rather spend time with, so I'll get out of your hair for now."

"Someone I'd rather hang out with other than Nene Mori? Unlikely." I tease.

"Oh, stop it. That can't be true, I mean we don't really have anything in common." She playfully punches my arm.

"I don't think we need to have anything in common to enjoy being around each other. If you enjoy being around me, I mean."

"Hey, you're like one of the only guys I don't mind being around. Granted I've only been around the Class D boys who are basically all immature, but yeah, I like you."

"..." I give her a moment to process what she just said.

"...Oh, wait! That probably sounded really weird. I meant I like you as a friend, or something." She quickly waves her hands around trying to clear a possible misunderstanding.

"Don't worry, it didn't sound weird at all. I like you too."

"Hehe, good! Well, just so you know, you can call me to hang out whenever you want. Maybe I'll even let you judge all the stuff I try on but probably won't buy!" She says.

"Well, I don't have the best fashion sense out there, but I'd love seeing you dress up." In more ways than one...

"Well you're in luck! If I ever need a boy's opinion I'll ask you. Though, I won't promise I'll look good in any of them. Dresses in particular probably won't look good on me."

"Really? Why is that?"

"I don't really know, they just seem a bit off on me. I'm not really the elegant type girl, so dresses don't match with how I look."

"I'm quite sure you'd look great in anything, to be honest. In fact, I'd like to see you in a dress first if you do decide to invite me to judge."

"Whaaat? But there's so much other stuff that will look so much better on me. Like, there's a whole section filled with lingerie."


"...Well I certainly wouldn't be opposed to seeing you wear something from that section first."

"Jeez, at least wait until we're really close for something like that, perv." She playfully hits me again with a smirk. I will wait however long it takes.

"Would you really be okay with modelling something like that, though?"

"Uhh, like I said probably not now. Who knows what'll happen in the future though. It's just modelling, so it's not like, weird...right?" A small blush appears on her cheeks.

"Right. Exactly." The more I agree, the higher the likelihood of it happening.

"See, this is why I like you! You're really chill about everything and never make a big deal out of stuff. It makes talking to you really comfortable, it's like talking to a big brother or whatever."

"Sure. A big brother that you are going to sample lingerie for."

"Well it's totally weird when you put it that way!" She pouts at me while blushing.

"I'm not trying to make it weird. I just don't really see you as a sister."

"Hmm? Then what do you see me as?"

"I see you as Mori."

"That's... weirdly embarrassing to hear for some reason... but it does make me happy. I'm glad you see me as me, and not just some bimbo." She gives me a beaming smile.

"We've been over this, I would never see you that way."

"Heheh... Right, right."

"...Good morning, students. The island will soon be in sight. We hope you'll take the time to observe this highly significant scenery." Came an announcement from the speakers.

...Significant scenery, huh.

"An island? Wow, I want to take a look!" Mori excitedly says.

"I agree, we should head up to the deck." I reply, and the both of us head out. Reaching the top, a familiar person greets us.

"Good morning, you two!" Kushida gives both of us a friendly smile and wave.

"...Good morning." I greet back. Mori does the same, but in a more excited way.

"Woaaaah! That's the island!?" Mori exclaims as she takes in the amazing view.

"Yeah! It's breathtaking..." Kushida says while leaning against the railing. I stand a few steps away. Seems like these two didn't notice the hint. It's understandable though, you wouldn't pick up on it unless you were really observant.

Now, let's see what the school has in mind, shall we?

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