Chapter 82: The Shinomiya Family

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3rd POV. Student Council Room.

The next day, after the French Cultural Exchange Party.......

The members of the Student Council, Miyuki, Chika, Ryota, Ishigami, and Miko are all watching the recent news of what happened.

The screen is currently flashing a headline stating that 21 members of the Shinomiya Groups were arrested.

Ryota: So, it is just as the information that we got. Things are really about to go down.

Ishigami: Yeah. Wait, Kaedehara-senpai, how did you know?

Ryota: The Kaedehara Family has been watching the Shinomiya Family for a while now.

Ishigami: I see, I guess they're right about saying that never underestimate a fallen noble clan.

Ryota: But still......this is actually shocking.....

Miyuki: When they said they arrested executives from the Shinomiya Group, does that include Shinomiya's parents?

Ryota: No, that would be impossible, besides, Shinomiya's mother is already dead. So if we're talking about arresting her father, that would be a different story.

Iino: Not to mention, none of the apprehended individuals were listed as Shinomiya-senpai's relatives.

Iino: It was only just a bunch of CEOs and executives hired by the Shinomiya Family.

Chika: In other words, they were the ones who were left to do their dirty work. They're just scapegoats.

Miyuki: CEOs being used as scapegoats....

Ryota: It's wild isn't it and beyond insane.

Ryota: The Shijo Group didn't also waste time to take advantage of the mess.

Ishigami: Taking one bid after the other. Talk about perfect timing but I guess that isn't the case.

Chika: The Shinomiyas and the Shijos have bad blood between them.

Ryota: Yeah, seeing their long history.....

Everyone went silent.......until Chika broke it.

Chika: I wonder if Kaguya-san is doing okay.

Chika: Those guys in black suits are scary.

Miko: They showed up immediately when the party was over.

Ryota: Based from what I heard, they went straight to Haneda then took a business jet to Osaka.

Ishigami: Man, the rich really live in a different world from us.

Ryota: Considering the net worth of the Shinomiya Family, things such like that is of little to no matter.

Chika: That reminds me of the time where my grandpa took me on a business jet before!

Ishigami: Speaking of rich people......

Chika: From arriving at the airport to landing in Osaka, I felt like any time have passed at all!

Miko: How much does it cost in total?

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