Chapter 26: Under the Umbrella

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Ryota's POV.


It's really downpour, huh?

Miyuki: All right. Ishigami finished dealing with the aftermath of that last mixer........

Miyuki: there isn't really anything for us to do today.

Miyuki: Shall we take a day off?

Chika: Sure! Then you'd better call for an early pick up, Kaguya-san.

Kaguya: Actually.....

She grabs her flip phone from her pocket.

Kaguya: .....the car has a flat tire or something, so I thought I'd walk home.

Then Fujiwara-san started blabbering scary nonsense about kidnappings during the rain or something.

While I just looked at the window, staring at the gray sky as the rain falls down to the earth.

Miyuki: Is there something wrong, Kaedehara?

Ryota: Nothing. I'm just thinking that it's really relaxing to go home for now.

Ryota: I mean, whenever it rains, our café will be filled with a few people, sitting at their tables, drinking hot coffee while looking at the window.

Miyuki: I can totally imagine what you're saying right now.

Ryota: Well, supposedly, the me and the music club will go to Mio-senpai's house but Tohma-senpai decided to cancel it because of the rain.

Miyuki: Really?

Ryota: I got the text just now. More or less, I have nothing to do since.........

Ryota: Well, I only have less than two weeks on my temporary work ban from the café.

Miyuki: Eeeeh?

Ryota: Well, with my work ban and this atmosphere, guess I'll just laze around the house.

Miyuki: Wow, that's unexpected for you.

Ryota: I mean, it's only rare for me to have this much free time.

Miyuki: Well, you could use that to relax y'know.

Ryota: You have a point there.

Then I noticed couples sharing an umbrella as another memory kicked in.

Ryota: *sigh*

Ryota: Sharing an umbrella, huh?

Miyuki: Hm?

Ryota: I remember the time where Yuki and I shared an umbrella because her umbrella is broken.

Ryota: It was raining that time so, we really didn't have that much of a choice.

Miyuki: Ah, I see. The romantic concept of sharing an umbrella, huh?

Then my phone just vibrated as I pulled it out from my pocket.

The Maid and the Maple Leaf (Hayasaka Ai x OC Male)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن