Chapter 50: Buying the presents

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Ryota's POV.

Ryota: What's taking her for so long?

???: Sorry for the wait!

I turned around to see Hayasaka-san dressed in casual clothes.

Ryota: Took you long enough. I was about to go on my own.

She pouted.

Hayasaka: Geez, so impatient! Don't you know how long it takes for a girl to dress up!

Ryota: Yeah, yeah. I know what you mean.

Ryota: But I still have my job at the café.

Hayasaka: Come on, loosen up a little would you.

To be honest. Yeah, I'm also feeling kinda tense these past few days and the anxiety has been eating me up.

If someone knows my situation right now, they will probably say, that I'm becoming dense and it's kinda annoying.

I'm totally aware. I just don't know how will I respond.

What is the best way to approach these kind of situations?

I'm still thinking.

But right now, I'm here, only for one thing.

And that is to buy a present for my mother.

Ryota: Yeah, I should probably loosen up.

Hayasaka: So, we're here to buy a birthday present for Koharu-san, right?

Ryota: Yes. Since her birthday is almost here.

Hayasaka: What does Koharu-san want?

Ryota: Well, she told us a story, about her hairpins.

Hayasaka: Hairpins?

Ryota: Come on, let's go to the mall and I'll tell you the story along the way.

We then went on our way to the mall as I tell her the story about the hairpins.

Ryota: My mom once owned a hairpin, a memento from her mother.

Ryota: That hairpin is said to be my mother's most treasured possession.

Ryota: But, when her father went ill......

Ryota: She had no choice but to sell that hairpin.

Hayasaka: Just what is in that hairpin anyway?

Ryota: According to her, that hairpin is made out of gold and is adorned with 12 precious stones.

Ryota: Those precious stones are the birthstone of each month.

Hayasaka: Oh.

Ryota: And besides from those precious stones, it was also adorned with two black pearls.

Hayasaka: Black pearls!? Wait, aren't black pearls.......are kinda big for a hairpin?

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