Chapter 36: Ryota and Kaguya want to prevent Ishigami from failing

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Ryota's POV. One week before the exam.

Ryota: Somehow, Fujiwara-san got the notes and the reviewers I gave her.

Ryota: But still............

I really can't get what happened during that time...........

"I will make you fall for me."

Ryota: She's persistent as ever.

I'm only pondering on what should I do after the exams, until I passed by the faculty office as I heard a teacher and a student, having a conversation.

Teacher: Ishigami, do you understand your situation?

Teacher: If you fail any major tests, you'll be in danger of being held back next year.

Ryota: Hmmmmmm..........

I slid the door just a little bit in order for me to clearly hear their conversation. I also noticed that Shinomiya-san also stumbled upon their conversation.

Ryota: How long have you been standing there?

Kaguya: The same moment you heard them talking.

Ryota: I see.

The two of us continued listening.

Ishigami: Yeah.

Teacher: You managed to get into high school. Are you willing to let that chance go to waste?

Teacher: Anyways, just be sure you don't fail the finals coming up.

Teacher: Got it?

Ishigami: Yeah.

Shinomiya-san and I looked at each other with skeptical and worried faces.

Ryota: Will he be fine, though?

Kaguya: I don't know.

Ryota: Well, depending on how Ishigami responded, his voice seems like lazy and dead.


Ryota's POV. Student Council Room.

The prez and Ishigami are talking about Ishigami's status in the finals as Shinomiya-san and I are discussing about what we heard earlier.

Kaguya: Even though he's in hot water, it looks like he doesn't have a sense of danger.

Ryota: Yeah and I'm kinda worried for Ishigami.

Kaguya: This is unbecoming of a member of the student council.

Ryota: Do you have any plans on helping Ishigami out?

Kaguya: Well, I have.

Kaguya: By the way, what about you, Kaedehara-kun? How is helping Fujiwara-san is going on?

Ryota: She's improving somehow.

Ryota: I let her self-study for now. She already came into my house for 3 times this week.

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