•The Gazebo•

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Pov: Nick 

I have been in my room for the past couple of hours and I need to clear my head. Lucas is just as confused as I am about this whole mafia situation, and I don't know what to do. I feel like a lost child in the middle of an unfamiliar territory. 

I kinda am but that's not the point!

The point is that I need to get my mind on something else, and I know what.

I quietly step out of my room before stopping dead in my tracks to see if I hear any sound. The twins are probably in their rooms, and Lucas is nowhere to be seen. The older siblings have left to run errands, so it's just us for now. 

I walk down the stairs and then slip on my shoes and jacket before slipping out of the door. Luckily they had dried from earlier. As soon as I step outside, I feel the cool breeze hit my skin. It's refreshing, but I can smell how heavy the air is with raindrops. Although it's not raining, it's imminent.

It really is beautiful out here. I didn't have time to see everything before. I should take a look around.

I turn a corner of the house and spot a small gazebo. It looks like one from one of my old family homes. I can't resist the urge to check it out.

Upon approaching, it's just as I remember. Polished wood, surrounded by blooming vegetation. Suddenly, I hear music echoing off the walls. I pull out my headphones and slip them on.

That's when it begins. The sound of the rain fills my ears, coupled with my music, it's like the world is washing everything away. I close my eyes and let myself get lost in it. This is my kind of therapy.

It feels like a lost cause to keep seeking therapy. and then I mean "real" therapy.

I have tried to talk to a therapist because Hannah was getting worried about my mental health. But it didn't work out as we thought it would. It hasn't been helpful before, and I'm skeptical of opening up to someone who won't understand. The rain is becoming heavier, but it's soothing, like a kind touch. 

I stretch my legs and look at my surroundings. The greenery sways with the wind, and the raindrops resemble a curtain. It's mesmerizing.

After a while of just sitting there, I stand up and stretch. I get out of the gazebo and walk out into the rain. I can feel a small smile making its way to my lips.

This is exactly what I needed.

It is starting to get dark so guess I'll have to go back inside. I make my way toward the door but midway there, as if it couldn't have gotten any worse, I hear the sound of strolling footsteps. Jasper, Matteo, and Michael's faces emerge through the rain as they walk towards me. 

Their hands were blood-stained.

-I need to hide, fast!

I think frantically to myself, oh my god, please don't let them see me. I have to be smart and find somewhere to tuck myself away. The gazebo has a bench, so I hide under it. It's not the most comfortable spot, but I don't have many options.

"Did you guys hear that?" one of them says, and I feel my heartbeat skyrocket.

Not good. Not good at all.

"Hear what?"

"I thought I heard something."

"You are probably imagining things."

"No, I promise you guys I heard something."

"It may have been an animal."


"I wouldn't hurt anyone to check."


The bench I'm under is close enough to the open side of the gazebo, but I'm hyper-aware of the sound. My own breathing is becoming too loud.

I could hear them walking toward me and my heart felt like it was going to jump out of my chest. 

Guess this is the end for me. 

RIP Nickólas Hunter year: 2008-2023

Didn't really have a good life but, oh well.

Suddenly, I hear a cheep and see a small bird jump out of the bush next to me. I've never felt like such an idiot. I've been waiting to be caught when it was an innocent bird hiding there all along.

“See, I told you it was an animal," Matteo says with a bit of a laugh.

"But I could have sworn it was something else."

This isn't over yet. But luckily, they leave. The front door rumbles shut as they step inside, and I exhale, shakily, from under the bench.

I crawl out and look around. I'm alone. I run toward the back entrance but take extra precautions. I put every ounce of effort into opening the door as slowly as possible, barely making a sound.

Once inside, I shake my jacket off and take off my shoes, doing my best to remain silent. Eventually, I escape upstairs and crawl under the covers in my bed. I don't know how much time has passed, but it must've been a while because my skin has warmed up.

I change into a more comfortable outfit, feeling the comfort of my soft hoodie and shorts. I close my eyes hoping for some much-needed sleep, but anxiety grips me instead.

I should go down for dinner, but I have no appetite. Not like I ever have one, but still. Nonetheless, I get up and attempt to make a presence, but the events from earlier still plague my mind.

Let's just hope it won't be too bad.


Hello everyone!

Here's the chapter I promised! And I'm so grateful for 100k! Can't believe that we actually made it!

Hope you all are having a great day/night and remember to drink water and eat some food.

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