Chapter 19 | Happy Times

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A/N Hello again! We're apologise *again* for the late updates... We try to put them out as quick as we can so you guys can read Emma's story but we do get busy with school work and you guys have been super flexible and understanding... *and here we are trying to spoil things by ending with a cliffhanger* anyways... happy reading berries~ as always

The coffees arrive and both drinks come with a little design on top. 

Kathy takes a sip of her latte, unknowing of the mistake. Her face contorts into sheer disgust for a mere second, then it disappears just as fast. 

August just looks at his coffee in confusion. 

A heart?


Kathy's P.O.V

"You like Emma, don't you?"

The question lingers in the air, before he finally takes it in. 

I can see the shock that plasters his face. He registers the question and hesitates, trying to find the right words before he spoke. 

"That was... random," he says, attempting to laugh it off. 

I raise my eyebrow at him. I was not satisfied. He guiltily looks away. 

"Answer my question," I press on. Now I was starting to get curious. 

August remains silent, a crease forming at his brows. 

I wait, trying to remain patient but the anticipation slowly drives my patience away. 

August sighs, giving in. 

"I- yes. I like Emma... I think

The answer went right above my head before I took it in. He seems sincere about it, so I take that it is true. I let the information sink in before speaking. 

A feeling gnaws at me, but I ignore it, putting on a big smile. "Who wouldn't," I reply jokingly, trying to ease the tension in the air.

He gives me a small smile back. 

I drop the conversation, deciding it would be best if we talked about something else instead. 

"Do you play any instruments?" 

I can see him relaxing hearing that this time, the question was less hostile. 

Conversations after that flowed smoothly and with time, I forgot about the question and the answer, letting it loiter above my head until sooner or later, I remember. 

August's POV:

For the first time since I've started school this year, Emma slipped from my mind. I didn't notice it as first. I've been trying to get Emma out of my head with all the chaos happening- and every single time, I fail miserably to get her out of my head. Yet, today, she slips out of my consciousness so easily, without any difficulty or trouble, it surprises me. 

I haven't had a good conversation with any of my friends as of recently and yet here I was, having great conversations with a girl. 

A girl I met days ago. 

Everything was going great. Perfect, almost. Something like this hasn't happened in a long time; it felt too good to be true. 

But despite my luck, mid conversation, I feel something is wrong. An uncanny feeling we were being watched. 

The realisation is enough to almost make me laugh. 

From the corner of my eyes I see him. 


His gaze boring on us- it was almost palpable. 

That's the thing about something being too good to be true, isn't it? 

Something was going to go wrong eventually. 

So there he was. 

Edward Lee.

Edward's POV:

I take large steps towards the big tree near a cafe, my heart beating hard in my chest.

I'm still huffing and puffing after my daily jog and I put one hand on the tree trunk, desperately trying to catch my breath.

I turn my head sideways...

And that's when I see something my eyes don't accept to believe.

It's just my luck these days. Isn't it?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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