Chapter Seventeen | For Her Sake

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Author's Note:

hello everyone! just to clarify for those who were wondering or were bothered by this- we don't spell certain words the way you would in America. for instance, we spell this word like "colour" not "color" and "favourite" not "favorite". 

we just wanted to bring this into consideration as words can be spelt differently wherever you are. 

that's all and hope you enjoy this chapter! 

Emma's POV:

I  sit there, dumbfoundedly staring at the fogged up window. It had just rained and the sky was painted with misty, grey clouds. 

I yawn and stretch on my bed. The nurses had said I can be discharged later today if I didn't have any problems.


I still had some time kill and well, least to say, I am very, very bored. 

I think about contacting August but at the moment my head is spinning way too much than it should and I cant think straight. 

I close my eyes and drift off, thinking of nothing in particular.

Kathy's POV:

"Hello, is Emma Harte available right now?" I ask one of the nurses.

"Not at the moment, no. If you'd like there are seats where you could wait. Or come back later?"


"I think I should just come back later. Thanks," I say politely. 

I decide to go home for now and give her her well-deserved rest and return back when she's ready to see me. 

The elevator works this time and I'm relieved. My legs still ache from the race up the stairs. I head in the elevator, weirdly anxious and a burrowing feeling that I've forgotten something. 

August's POV:

My phone buzzes in my pocket and I take it out to see who it is.


'August.. hi, this is Kathy. This is awkward- sorry, but I needed to talk about some stuff'

Another buzz. 

'Sorry were you busy? Do you have a second?'

Another buzz 

'This is so awkward, sorry'

I can't help but smile. 

'What's up?' I reply.

Edward's POV:

I can tell Emma isn't being her usual self. Her smile is a bit too forced, cheeriness seems too bubbly and it's not like I don't know her. I've known her for years at this point- of course I can tell when she's bothered. 

I know what I did probably had upset her- upset them- but in my defence, I didn't intend on scaring August away or making Emma burst into a fit of sobs. I just wanted my last chance with her to be, well, special?

I'm not sure what I'm trying to say. I don't even know if I wanted that kiss. I've been crushing on her for who knows how long, and suddenly August swoops in and maybe that was me trying to have a moment with her before August confesses. 

Not that August will confess, but knowing him, he probably will. 

August probably hates me now. We were good mates, emphasis on the were, but it's not like I can blame him, considering prior incidents. If I'm being honest, this is probably as far as our friendship is going to go. All because of a girl. I don't think I want our friendship to fall apart- he was my first friend since coming here. And we had our fair share of memories. 

I forget about it and shove all of the thoughts towards the back of my head. They can bother me another day, but I'm just too tired to think. 

Someone, anyone, please save me from this drama..

Kathy's POV:

'Would you rather we meet somewhere? If you couldn't already tell- typing is not my strongest suit... but of course, no pressure- seeing as we've talked only once...' 

Almost as awkward as me...

"Yeah, sure, I don't mind! Where would you like to meet??"

I cringe slightly. I hope I don't sound too enthusiastic. 

He replies with an 'up to you' and a smiley face. I catch myself smiling slightly and quickly wipe it off my face. 

I remind myself.

I'm doing this for Emma

not me. 

For her sake. 

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