Chapter One | Just a Dream

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Hi guys!!❤️ This is our first book!~ Thanks for reading our book :) Love, strawberriextrio


Emma's heart races as she steps onto the porch of Number 6, Sesame Street. Maybe, just maybe... her mother was wrong about love.

She hesitates, before rapping on the mahogany door with her knuckles. Kathy, an amiable girl with thick, black curls, opens the door and ushers her inside.

"Emma!" She beams, flashing her silver braces. "I didn't know you were going to be here so early!" 

Emma managed a small laugh. 

Her stomach feels like it is going to combust.

"Hey, Kath, is Emma here already?" A voice calls eagerly from down the hallway. 

Emma averts her gaze, feeling her cheeks warm. Edward. He strolled down the hallway towards them. The walls were covered in photo frames of their large extended family, as well as just of Katherine and Edward, who were a year apart. Their eyes met for a second, and Emma screamed internally, flushing pink in an instant.

"Hey," he says casually. 

"H-hi." She replies, smiling nervously. 

"We're gonna work on an English project, Ed. Go away." Kathy shoos her brother away. 

Once Edward is a distance away, Kathy exhales loudly. 

"It's so tiring looking at you guys. Just confess already." 

"But, Kath. He-he doesn't like me like that. And, it could ruin our friendship. And plus, he's your brother."

'But I will... Eventually.' She thought. 

A few hours later...

Kathy had gone to the bathroom. Emma was fidgeting with the zipper of her jacket, trying not to stare at Edward, who was sitting opposite of her. He was sitting on the couch, lazily watching a show on the TV. 

It would be the perfect time to do it, Emma thought. She took a quick look at Edward before hastily looking away, blushing furiously. 

Without thinking twice, the words spill out of her. 

"Hey Edward..?" 

"Hmm?" His eyes were on the TV.

"Edward," she says firmly. 

He turns to look at her now. His eyebrows raising 

"Look... I.." She sighs. "I-" 

Emma stops and looks at Edward. 

He stares right back at her, his face transfixes with a confused look. 

"Edward- I-" She takes a deep breath. "I like you. A lot." Her voice is nervous; cracking at every word. She is now fidgeting with her zipper so rapidly, up to the point where it almost feels as if it is going to fall off. 

 He looks at her. His face softening a little. 

"Listen, Emma. I've always liked you-" 

Emma's eyes widen at Edward. 'Oh my gosh!'

"But not much more than a friend," He ends his sentence, no longer looking at her. 

Her feelings go numb and she starts to feel the water in her eyes, slowly starting to build up. She sits there frozen, the word 'friend' echoing in her head over and over again. 

Suddenly, the door opens with a creak. 

"Hey, I'm back." Kathy says casually, closing the door. 

"Oh hey Kath..." Edward says awkwardly shifting in his seat and glancing at Emma every few seconds.

She looks at Edward suspiciously, then focuses on Emma. 

"Em... what's wrong?" Kathy asks, starting to walk towards her. 

"NOTHING," Emma abruptly yells. 

Storming out of the room, Emma suddenly breaks down into tears. Her face is stained with tears, her hands covering her face. 

Then she wakes up.

Emma wakes up with a jolt. Her face is wet, fists clenching, and her pillow was stained with tears. She was breathing heavily, tears falling from her eyes. 

Catching her breath, she hops out of bed. She sits down, staring at the illuminating sky. Moonlight shines from her bedroom window. The moon is hiding in amongst some clouds, but there it was- big and bright, staring right at Emma. She closes her eyes and allows herself to calm down. The same image plays in her head, repeating itself over and over again. Edward rejecting her. She had no idea why it hurt that much. The feeling of rejection and refusal- it was all too much for Emma. 

All that mattered to her that night was Edward. 

But she can't stop thinking about that dream. 

Maybe it was trying to tell her something. 

But after all- it is just a dream...

Just a dream...

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