Chapter Eighteen | Stupid Me

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heyy berries ♡⸜(˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)⸝♡

if you've seen our post on conversations, you would probably know why it took so long for this chapter to come out. (ᅲ﹏ᅲ )

we thank all of you who has supported us and read euphoria. truly, it means the world to us!

also we'd just like to let you all know that we read every single comment and are much appreciated!

we hope you see you all in the next chapter, whenever that may be. 

hope you enjoy this chapter <3!

₍ᐢ . ̫.ᐢ₎♡₍ᐢ. ̫ .⑅ᐢ₎

lots of love, 


Kathy's POV:

I get a notification from August on my lock screen as soon as I unlock my phone.

Meet you in 10. 

I panic slightly, realising I only have 10 minutes. 

I pick out an outfit, wearing whatever reaches my eyes first. 

Hastily, I change into my newly picked outfit and I look myself in the mirror, looking for any lack of coordination. 

Looks alright.

I throw my hair into a bun, grabbing my phone and rush towards my front door.

I wear the first pair of shoes I find and start running. 

Edward's POV:

My brain is swimming with indecisiveness. 

Should I?

Should I not?

I should tell her how I feel.

It might not be the right time. 

I might ruin it all; I might ruin our friendship... ruin my sister and her friendship.

I just don't know. 

I feel like I am being a coward. But I just can't simply break the bond grown over years of friendship.

August's POV:

I arrive there 5 minutes early, looking around for Kathy just in case she came early too. 

Don't be daft. You told her in ten minutes. 

I ignore my subconscious and sit under the tree by the cafe, where we agreed to meet, checking my phone for any messages. 

Don't screw this. 

What even is this?  A date? No, no. It isn't. It can't be. 

A meet up. That's what it is. Two people, meeting up to discuss things. It was completely normal, people did this frequently. 

Are you doubting it?

I want to shut my subconscious up. Of course I wasn't doubting it. We were meeting up, as- 

I don't even know what to call us. 


We had two conversations at most. 

So what are you doing with this girl? A girl, who is not even your friend? 

This was getting stupid. I push the voice to the back of my head. 

But a question reaches me before I can ignore it. 

This isn't just a meet up, isn't it?

Kathy's POV:

I pant heavily, coming to a stop. Running was clearly not my forte. 

I wipe the sweat on my forehead with the back of my palm, squinting at the cafe, trying to locate August. A shred of panic enters my mind; what if he's not here? 

I scan the perimeter of the cafe, then finally find him, sitting under the tree. I let out an exhale of relief and slip a smile on my face. 

I can do this. 

"Hi! Hope I'm not too late." 

Goodness. This is embarrassing. 

He looks up, squinting at the sunlight, but gives me a merry smile as he sees who it is. I relax slightly. 

"No, no, you aren't. Should we go in?" 

"Yeah, okay," I agree. I hide my inner embarrassment with a pretence of cheeriness. 

August gives a nod and pockets his phone. 

We walk towards the cafe in silence. Awkward silence. I curse inwardly at my inability to start a conversation, or at least act like a normal, sociable human being. 

He opens the door and gestures I go in. I mutter a thank you, seeming to have lost my capability to speak at a higher volume. 

We sit at a table and the waiter hands us menus. 

I study it in silence, using the menu to hide my face. 

How am I going to get through this, I groan internally. 

"Uh," he clears his throat. "Are you ready to order?" 

"Oh, yes, yeah, I am," I say, putting the menu down hastily. How are you this embarrassing, I ask myself. 

He calls over one of the waitress near us to order. 

"Can I just have a coffee with milk. And no sugar please. Oh and uh, do you guys do those latte arts on your coffees?" 

"Yeah we do," the waitress says. 

"Do you mind not doing it on my coffee? Just a coffee with no design, please." 

I can see the waitress' confusion, but she scribbles down the order. 

"And for you?" the waitress says, looking at me. 

"Oh, uh. I'll just have a... latte." I swallow down the words chocolate milkshake and force out latte instead. Here August is, ordering a coffee with no sugar, while I was about to order a drink completely saturated in sugar. Our difference in maturity clearly shows.

She scribbles my order down on her note pad. Without looking up, she says, "Is that all for today?" 

"That's all, thanks," he smiles politely and the waitress nods, taking our menus away. 

We stare at each other for a second until we both look away. I fix my stare at my hands resting on my lap, deciding that I would gather less embarrassment and awkwardness looking at my hands than looking at August. 

I can practically feel his eyes on me. 

This is stupid, I think. 

I fix on a smile and look at him. Say something. Start a conversation. Do something. 

Despite my best attempts, the only question that comes out is clearly the exact question he doesn't want to answer. 

"You like Emma, don't you?"

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