26 | a reminder of fate

Start from the beginning

Guys eyes widened at the suggestion, "You mean to say..."

"You might have two Drunken Fist users on your team." Tsunade finished for him. For the most part, Guy was ecstatic, it was an honor! As a Taijutsu specialist, it was all Guy could ever dream of mastering—but to have you and Lee, people with a considerable amount of knowledge at Taijutsu be capable of the Drunken Fist, was great. But now his plans of taking his team out to a bar as celebration for them for being so youthful once they were of drinking age went out the window—Neji would have to deal with two drunk teammates, since Guy couldn't bring himself to knocking out any one of his students. Maybe as discipline, but could it really be considered that if neither of you would know what was happening?

"Oh please, don't look so bashful." Tsunade scoffed, "The estimated time of this mission has already been exceeded anyway, we have to send in a recovery squad..." Guy perked up, of course, seeing as three of his students had gone—he was a clear first pick. "We have to gather as many medical ninja as we can, chances are the Sand Ninja I alerted for are on the scene, too..." Shisui had wandered in a few seconds later, with Shizune at his side due to his having gotten lost in the halls. Shizune was a clear pick, but she was hesitant on asking Shisui.

Right, it Shisui was visible, that meant wherever you were, you were conscious. That might be a good thing to know while out on recovery, but still, this was a ghost—of the Uchiha nonetheless. Though, maybe that was for the better. To talk some sense into Sasuke and get him to come home, he was not a traitor to the village until this mission was a failure. Which looked like the clear result of this mission so far; but she'd hold out. All she needed now was Medical Ninja—and Kakashi. She could not send this team out without Kakashi, if all else failed, he'd be the one that talked them into coming back.


The next scent you had followed was Nejis, perhaps it was a bit biased--but he was your teammate, and the scent of blood was strong coming from his direction. Lee was your next priority, but the smell of blood was small coming from his direction, and you could smell Gaara, too.. So his condition must have been better. Hashirama didn't have much longer until he dissapeared, and you didn't have an expendable amount of Chakra to nake him visible again. That, or Shisui disappeared in the middle of sorting things out with the fifth. Although neither were great options--you tried to compromise with both. Kiba struggled to keep up with you, but Hashirama kept up, expected of the first hokage to do so.

He had caught the jist of the situation, one Kiba had to stutter out because he was one; infront of a ghost, and two; this was the fist Hokage. He wasn't as uptight as you thought the practical founder of the Leaf would be--and he was eager to help. It only made sense, since the result of his hard work for the Leaf led to this; the sole survivor of the [Lastname] clan moving to his humble village and asking him for help. Well, it didn't all happen in a second, but it was nice to see his village become something--and that someone from a differing village could still trust him. The shock of suddenly having senses hit him as hard as it did any other ghost; but he didn't falter a second at what you had asked him.

You had landed beside Neji, his headband was off; and seeing his curse mark was enough to have you watery-eyed. For the first time you could recall, you were crying--unbeknownst to you, Kiba had seen you in your emotionally drunk state, but did that count? You couldn't exactly find it in you to care, a tender hand landing itself on Nejis cheek. He was getting colder, and the gaping wounds he had on him didn't do much to reassure you on his condition.  Kiba knew of Neji to be a genius on surface level, strong, and a genius... To see him in this condition; he wondered how strong the opponent had to be. His seniors by a year were impressive when it came to strength; and the one he was most impressed about, Lee, wasn't even here.

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