"Never mind, Grace, she will be at practice soon!" Mr. Schuester stated, determined to get Grace back into the New Directions with the help of his co-parents. "All we need is a little inspiration to help Grace and these new students, and I happen to have some, courtesy of Al Motta of Motta's Pianos. Bring 'em in, guys! You guys are going to love this."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Kurt gasped as purple pianos were wheeled into the room. He sat up in his chair as some fellow students squealed in excitement. "Okay, if there are purple pianos involved in this, I am on board!"

"These pianos were repossessed from foreclosed homes. They're cast-offs, just like all of us. Used, in need of repairs."

"But they're still capable of making beautiful music," Tina said as Mr. Schuester smiled at the girl, nodding.

"Right. So Mr. Motta, as a lover of the arts, agreed to donate them to Glee." The man explained as Brittany picked up Luca and Lilith from Quinn and carried them towards the piano. "I fixed them up, painted them purple, and The Purple Piano Project was born. Now, I'm going to be placing these grapey uprights randomly throughout the school, and whenever you see one, no matter what you're doing, I want you to sing a song."

"Pwetty!" Luca smiled, reaching up and hitting the keys, while Lilith let out an excitedly evil sound and tried to run from Brittany to smash the keys.

"Peano! Peano!" Lilith squealed, trying to limp herself and escape Brittany's grasp.

"Now, use this assignment to attract kids who are just like you. Kids who can't keep the music inside." Mr. Schuester continued, not paying mind to Lilith's grunts. "Those are the kinds of additions that we need to win it all this year. Now, for many of you, this is your last year. Let's make it special."

The entire room jumped in surprise as Lilith escaped Brittany and began smacking her hands across the keys happily.

"Okay, okay, so pretty, but..." Quinn stood up and made her way towards Lilith, who was joyfully hopping in front of the purple piano she was playing on. "But Momma will pay for lessons."

Lilith pouted as Quinn picked her up from the piano and kissed her cheek. She reached for the piano, showing her mother her puppy dog eyes to get what she wanted.

"You might have Mommy's eyes, but you won't get past me," Quinn whispered, chuckling and kissing the girl's forehead.



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Later that day, Santana walked across the football field during Cheerios' practice with Quinn and Brittany, leaving Lucifer, Luca, and Lilith to 'practice' for nationals with Sue and the freshman.

"Where is Stormy?" Santana smirked as they approached the fence and a flash of silvery blonde came into view.

"Be nice," Quinn whispered, shooting Santana a look before the Latina could trigger Grace again.

Little Monsters | Unholy TrinityTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang