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Three months after epilogue 2:


"Machan, ready to go?" Gokul exclaimed, strolling into his best friend's cabin. The glass door shut behind him with a soft squeak as he lowered himself into the plush single-seater in front of the work desk.

"In five minutes. Have to submit this, and then we are off." Vikram glanced at his watch and stated, as his long fingers tapped away on the keyboard, for the report due Monday.

"Alright," Gokul drawled, lifting the paperweight off the table and spinning it in his hands. His eyes twinkled in mischief, and his lips lifted in a teasing grin as he continued, "I heard you requested shift changes."

"Hmm," Vikram nodded absentmindedly as his eye scanned the words on his screen, oblivious to his friend's cheshire cat grin.

"Can't stay away from the new wife, huh?" The grinning man teased, his eyebrows dancing across his forehead as he leaned toward the desk. Being a Training Manager sure has its perks, a separate spacious room with an elegant and simplistic design.

Vikram finally took his eyes off the screen and acknowledged his smug-looking best friend. "Yes, any problem with that?"

"None! But did they approve tho?"

"Why do you want to know?" Vikram raised on his feet, his black slacks straining against his thighs as he walked towards the printer, as the machine fed off the report he finished at that moment.

"So I can gloat if they rejected it," Gokul exclaimed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Well, I'm sorry about that," Vikram smirked, stacking the report in order before picking a file off the shelf and clipping it inside.

"Why are you smirking?" Pointing an accusing finger at his smirking friend, Gokul questioned.

"What'd you think?" Vikram chuckled, and two adorable dimples popped on his cheeks as his brown eyes twinkled in mirth.

"Did they approve it? Seriously? When I asked, they said I quote "I'm sorry, we cannot change the shift without any valid reason." Gokul gaped as he blinked in confusion. Their company has a strict policy with their shift, and without a valid reason, they won't agree to any shift swaps.

And to his knowledge, his dear friend here sure doesn't have a valid reason.

"I had a valid reason," Vikram stated as he leaned over his chair to shut down the system, his eyes glimpsing at the photo on his desk for a second. His wife was on his chair with him standing behind it as he leaned over to show something on his system. It was her first day at their office after her transfer from Hyderabad to CBE.

"That reason is? Please don't tell me what I think it is!"

"I'm newly married. My wife and I are on different shifts." Vikram grinned, winking at his gaping friend as he walked towards the door and held the door open for Gokul.

"Bro!! That is valid?" Gokul gasped, palming his mouth with his right hand as he followed Vikram outside. "How did they approve?"

"Yup. Networking, Gokul. Networking."

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