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Please check out chapter 35 (in case you missed it!)

We crossed 56k reads and 6k votes!!!! Thank you so much, everyone.

Sorry for the delay! I was at my sister's home, and my nephew wouldn't let me out of his sight. Taking out my laptop would be a disaster as my sister hadn't introduced him to any electronic gadgets other than a phone yet! He doesn't even know how the video call works. He searches the back of her phone for me whenever I call him. 😭✋

And I started my internship finally!

Slightly mature content ahead! Idk, you decide for yourself🙈

Inline comments are love!

Writer's Pov:



A glimmer of moonlight entered the room through the French windows illuminating the person's silhouette who lay on the bed in an enchanting way. The white sheet contrasted with the darkroom reflected a soft white glow when Harshitha turned on her night lights.

As she rolled on the comfy bed, she reminisced about their schooldays with Vikram. The innocent adoration looks that each other would give when crossing paths in the corridor, trying to go to each other's class whenever they get a chance. The evening snacks that Vikram would buy for her with his pocket money during their special classes. She, skipping classes in the name of helping their PT master fill the sports meet form during Vikram's running practice hour. The deliberate slow walks after school to home just to spend some more time together before reaching home.

Everything about that was endearing. Even the horrible morning assembly became lovely once they started dating. There would be secret conversations between them during the morning assembly as they stared at each other.

Harshitha giggled, rolling on the bed happily as she thought about everything. They have come a long way. It was a bumpy start when she said okay. They were dead afraid to message each other or speak separately on any family occasion, fearing that someone would doubt anything.

Knowing about someone you grew up with was different from knowing them intimately. So, when Vikram asked her to be his girlfriend, she started seeing him in a new light.

Even though she didn't say yes right away, she started observing his every habit minutely and listened to every word that came out of his mouth.

She was first in denial but came to accept her feeling when she started feeling happy whenever he was happy or feeling sad when he was sad. And she fell hard as she discovered about him new every minute while he patiently waited for her to realize and accept.

The buzz of her cellphone ringing interrupted her thoughts. Switching off the charger's switch, she unplugged the ringing device from it. Her lips rose in a smile when she saw the person's name. 'Vikram♡'

'Hey, darling!' His deep voice came through, followed by a loud howl of the wind.

"Hey, babe! Are you out?" She sat up, dimming the light as she waited for him to answer.

'Nah, just walking back to the outhouse after dinner. Did you eat?'

"Yup. Had panner and naan, appa was asking about you to anna."

'Ahaan? What did my father-in-law ask my bro-in-law?' His friend's laughter echoed after he spoke.

"Ena sir, you sound so bold!" She asked as she heard him curse his friend and 'not so respectfully' to fuck off. Her brows furrowed when she heard his nervous laugh followed by Gokul's shout 'We had whiskey and rum'

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