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Harshitha's Pov:

Vikram opened the passenger door and offered me his hand like always.

Getting down from the car, I tiptoed and gave a peck on his cheeks. "Thank you, Mr. Vikram."

"My pleasure, Ms. Harshitha." He chuckled, throwing his arms around my shoulder.

The twigs crunched under our feet as we walked through the field with the soft breeze caressing our skin. In the dark, the soft glow of the moon guided us. The night was so calm and serene that the only sounds heard were the bumbling of bees and the light echo of our footsteps.

I gasped as the scene before me was so glorious that I stopped at my steps. This place still astonishes me with its beauty. I remember the first time Vikram brought me to this place. I was at loss for words that I didn't believe a place like this existed in our native place. From then, it became our place. A place that witnessed and will witness all our happy memories.

Under the midnight blue canvas with a splatter of stars, A lake, calm and transparent, laid in the middle of the meadow field, with the moon shining on its glassy surface. The trees stood tall around the lake, and the leaves appeared to come alive twisting, turning, and dancing to the summer breeze.

I walked towards the lake, removing my footwear at the lakeside. I scrunched my face as the crisp grass pricked my bare feet. As soon as I immersed my feet in the lake, the small fishes nibbled my bare feet, causing me to giggle. The water was so clean that I saw the pebbles and fish in there.

"Are you going to stand there till we leave?" Vikram's chuckle broke me from my trace. I looked back to see him already seated on the meadow.

"2 minutes," I replied, folding my pants above my calf, moving a little forward so that the water was till my calf. I happily wiggled my toes, causing the fish to swim away from me.

"Oi! inga vaa di," Vikram whined, patting his lap. (Oi! Come here)

"Coming, will not let a girl enjoy! will you?" I laughed, shaking my head.

Taking a handful of the lake water, I splashed it on my face. Feeling refreshed, I walked out of the lake, wiping my face in my dupatta.

As soon as I neared him, I plopped down on his lap heavily, earning a groan from him.

"Ouch!! Women, Be gentle! you will damage our future children." He grumbled but mumbled the last sentence under his breath.

"What?" I laughed out loud but shrieked as he started tickling my waist.

"Vi stop! Sorry, I should not have plopped on you like that." I squealed, trying to get away from him, but I can't even move an inch in his tight grip.

After a few minutes of laughing and bickering, we sat on the grass, admiring the glorious luster of the water, with me sitting between his legs and my back against his hard chest.

"This night can't be any more beautiful. you in my arms under the starry night sky." Vikram sighed, pulling me on his lap.

"Is sir in a romantic mood?" I chuckled, putting my arms on top of his arms that were around my waist.

"Who will not be romantic mood if they have a girl like you in their lap." He teased, nuzzling his nose on my neck.

I giggled, leaning on his shoulder.

"Give me your hand!" I asked, opening my wallet, taking out the present I got for him with my hard-earned money. Though I have my saving that our family gave over the years at every festival, I want to gift him with the money I earned. So, I got them by writing records for my seniors. I know it's wrong to do, but the pay was good.

Yours from Birthحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن