Chapter 32: Exposed

Start from the beginning

"Listen here, Jack. I didn't waste all this time making sure you followed every single order, just so you could play hero and throw us under the bus." ? explained harshly. "But you know what? That's fine. I'll just fix you myself." He added, a wicked smirk coming across his face. Jack shook uncontrollably as he stood up and starting backing away. "Don't touch me. I won't let you hurt–" "Too late, Jack." ? sighed. As he lifted his hand, Jack's mouth went dry.

He couldn't move or speak any longer. "You've been a huge disappointment to me ever since you came along. Do you realize that? You never listened. You always ran away whenever I told you to do something. And, most of all, you're weak. You've shown me plenty times how useless and pathetic you are, Jack. I honestly didn't expect this much from you." He continued, glancing at Jack while slowly walking towards him, causing him to panic even more.

"But I'll make up for it somehow. No matter how long it takes." He whispered menacingly, leaning closer to Jack. "Don't worry," He started, putting his hand on Jack's cheek. Jack whimpered as a sharp pain shot through his body. "This will only hurt for a moment." He said soothingly before pressing his hand against Jack's forehead. A burning sensation spread over Jack. He tried to scream, but nothing came out of his mouth. The burning sensation seemed to intensify and grew stronger until it felt like a million knives piercing his entire being. Then, finally, the pain was gone, and everything went black.

Meanwhile... (FIXED PART)

"I cant believe he would do something like that!" Screech yelled angrily. "I cant believe he was apart of this..." Eyes agreed. Figure clenched his fists tightly. "I can't believe Jack did this..." He grumbled lowly. "You know what? Where is he?!" Screech demanded, looking around frantically. "Well.. When I was leaving, I noticed him talking to someone. But there was no one there. And then I saw him go into the courtyard and that's basically it." Halt explained, gesturing for them to follow him.

Screech nodded and took Figure's hand as they all walked/floated down the hallway and into the courtyard. "There!" Screech said, pointing. In the center of the courtyard there was Jack sitting alone on the ground, shivering and trembling for some reason. There was also someone near him. "Uhm... Jack?" Halt called softly as he approached him cautiously.

Jack flinched violently at the sound of their footsteps. His gaze snapped upwards quickly to look at them. Except, something was wrong. "Jack, what happened to your eyes?!" Halt exclaimed, alarmed. "And your... mouth." Screech noted, also shocked. Both of Their eyes slowly darted up towards the person next to him. "You... What did you do to him?!" Halt demanded as he moved closer to the two of them. "Why, I fixed him of course~" ? replied smugly.

'Wait... those glitch particles... Could it be..." Rush trailed off in thought. "Glitch..." He realized. "Jeez, took you long enough." Glitch commented. "Anyways, he's useless to me now. You can take him." Glitch said, proudly grabbing Jack And kicking him a couple of times before throwing him towards them.

Luckily, Figure caught him in time. Though, he didn't know how he managed to. "Oh and, this won't be the last time you see me. I'll be back~" He promised before disappearing once again.

Jack blinked, still trying to catch his breath after the beating. "What just happened?" Eyes asked, floating in the doorway. "Where even WERE you?!" Halt yelled, his voice laced with anger. "He was being a loser-" Ambush then Said, zooming down the hallway. "Hey!" "Just ignore him.. We have something bigger to worry about here." Figure cut in.

Rush looked down at Jack. "Are you alright?" He murmured, concern laced in his voice.

(does he look okay to yo-

Jack shook his head. He wasn't okay. He wanted to cry or something, but it wouldn't come out. Instead, he just sat there silently, looking very shaken. But after a few moments he managed to speak.

"I...I guess this is Wh...what I ge...t... Right....?" He stammered, wiping the tears that were rolling down his cheeks. "Ha....h... Thi...s.... this is what I d-deserve...." He said quietly, staring blankly into space. Figure unconsciously let out a low growl before pulling Jack into a hug.

Jack froze, surprised. He didn't really get that sort of contact very often so the embrace kind of startled him. But he didn't object, too afraid to pull away, either. "...Is this what affection feels like..?" He asked quietly. "What do you mean?" Halt asked confused. "Nothing. Just something about my childhood." He answered, not wanting to say anything else.

(You should know why If you read the most recent Flashback in this story.

"Alright. Let's go inside... I guess." Halt said, walking past everyone. They nodded and then went back inside.

Plz tell me If I misspelled anything for gods sake-

Anyways, 3 more chapters until de endd

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