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Midoriya and Todoroki's teams seemed to be doing a decent job of handling the situation. While Bakugou may have said he didn't care he was constantly on edge while on campus. That honestly just annoyed him more. He was fine, there was no reason to be on edge. People were talking shit about him but not about him. He could handle it, he was fine.

"Let's go to Paris." Midoriya offered. "Would you like that, Kacchan?"

"Sure, Shitty Nerd." Bakugou agreed absentmindedly, his eyes glued to his phone.

Bakugou had never been on a private plane before nor had he ever left Japan. He was excited even if it didn't look like it with his current facial expression (Ashido called it a Resting Bitch Face). It was easy to get a bit of time off work and by Sunday morning they were in Paris, France.

The weather was mild but sunny, it had rained as they pulled into the airport but by time they reached the car the rain had stopped. Bakugou wore plain clothes, a jacket over a black shirt and jeans, along with a pair of designer sunglasses Todoroki had sent him last week and his own black face mask, just in case.

“Wait, fuck!” Bakugou exclaimed suddenly as they rode through Paris. “I don’t know French.”

“I do.” Midoriya laughed. “You’ll be okay.”

“That’s hot.” Bakugou replied, trying to imagine Midoriya speaking French. “Can you talk dirty to me in French?”

“Oh, tu le veux, mon chou?” Midoriya responded. And oh okay he even had a bit of the accent, wow. Bakugou’s face started to heat up, his scent going sweet with his arousal. Midoriya smiled. “Later Kacchan.”

“Yeah whatever!” Bakugou muttered, trying (and failing) to hide how much he really was looking forward to later.

“This isn’t a fucking hotel.” Bakugou huffed, following Midoriya through the halls of the building they had come to. Midoriya hadn’t told him where they were or why they were there.

“Nope, it’s not.” Midoriya agreed, his tone amused. “But there’s something way better here, I think you’ll love it.”

“I’d love a hot shower and a warm fucking bed.” Bakugou grumbled. He sniffed, ready to continue his complaining and guilt trip Midoriya into taking them to their hotel, and froze.


Bakugou inhaled deeply, drinking in the scent. His eyes grew wide, pupils blown so that only a sliver of red was left. His skin flushed, his body grew hot. His stomach clenched tightly, painfully so, and slick soiled his underwear. His mind went hazy with only one thought. He side stepped Midoriya and took off down the hallway, following that amazing scent filling his nose.

“Kacchan?” Midoriya called out, surprise and concern coloring his voice. “Kacchan, wait! We’re not supposed to go in yet!” The urge to chase the Omega and fuck him making Midoriya freeze in his tracks for a moment. Bakugou couldn’t be- it was only the middle of May.

Bakugou stumbled, his body torn between listening to his Alpha and continuing forward. The raw need won out quickly and he continued forward, shaking off Midoriya when the Alpha grabbed his wrist.

Bakugou burst through the door at the end of the hall, panting. He heard several people gasp. Someone growled. Hurried murmuring filled the room. Bakugou paid them no mind, they weren’t important. His eyes landed on Todoroki, standing across the room. Todoroki was half way out of his seat, eyes wide as he stared at Bakugou.

The Omega keened, rushing forward to tackle the Beta.

Shouto, Shouto, Shouto!

Bakugou didn’t understand what was happening or why it was happening. All he knew and all he cared about was that he needed Todoroki. He needed him and he was right there. Bakugou could smell him, feel him, touch him. He was right there!

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