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They all sat in the living room, for a moment it was silent as they each tried to figure out what to say.

"He Commanded me." Bakugou finally spoke. "In the bathroom when we went to Blueflame. He was spouting all this prejudice bullshit and then he Commanded me. He told me that I had to take Shouto to Natsuo’s. He said he knew someone who knows how to break Bonds. He listed all these different, horrible ways but he said the idea of killing Izuku in front of you sounded the most appealing. That maybe he'd throw me in and fuck me in front of both of you before he killed us. He Commanded me not to say anything, to forget all about it until I heard about the Challenge."

"Katsuki..." Todoroki breathed.

"And I did." Bakugou continued on. "Then Four Eyes and Yagi came and they told us and.... and it felt like I was going to be sick. It was just so much information at one time and I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I tried but you didn't get it."

"Oh Kacchan." Midoriya sighed, a look of regret washing over him.

"After you left I- I just- my body just started moving and I dragged Shouto to Natsuo's. I swear, I swear to God, I didn't want to! I would never do anything to hurt you, I swear!" Bakugou continued, his speech speeding up with urgency. "Before I could even say it he had his hands around my throat and I couldn't talk... couldn't even breathe. I'm not... I'm not some knotwhore. I love you, I wouldn't do that to you... ever."

"Hey, Katsuki it's okay." Todoroki reassured him quickly, his heart doing somersaults. "I know. I know you would never do anything like that. I was so confused when we left and I should have realized something was off, you smelt so scared and I didn't know what to do and then we found Natsuo and he was there. All of a sudden he was choking you and fuck I've never been so afraid and desperate in my life. I felt so useless, I- you were dying right in front of me and I couldn't do anything. All I could do was beg. I'd give up everything to keep you both safe, I love you."

"I should have stayed." Midoriya started. "I felt it, I felt it in the Bond. You were terrified and begging me to notice, to just stay. I should have listened."

"You didn't know." Bakugou muttered. "Neither of you could have known."

"It was so faint since the Bond's only partial but I felt it. I didn't understand until I felt it from Shouchan's side, we were at the courthouse by then and I left. I just started running in the direction the Bond tugged the hardest. When I got there, I could hear Shouchan begging and I followed the sound and you looked so scared... then I saw him. I saw him strangling Kacchan and your face was so pale and you looked terrified. I could feel the Bond going weak and then..." Midoriya stopped briefly, swallowing thickly. "I just remember seeing red. I was so angry. I don't remember anything from the fight or anything after until the police station and even that's a little hazy but I do know that I don't regret any of it. I love you both so much and I'd risk my life for you, die for you if I had to."

"It was..." Todoroki began. "It was just as scary as the first time. Every time he hit you, made you bleed, made you cry out in pain I was so scared even though I knew you would win."

"I wanted to make it stop." Bakugou muttered. "I know- I know we're not supposed to interfere, that's it's dangerous but for a moment I didn't care about that. I just didn't want you to get hurt, I didn't want you to die."

"I'm sorry." Midoriya said, his hands reaching out to take theirs in his grasp. "I know it was scary."

"It's not fair." Bakugou hissed suddenly, his scent souring with anger. "Shouto chose you, we choose to be with you. It's not right that other Alphas can fucking Challenge you for us at all. It's twenty-fucking-nineteen, we're not... we're not fucking property! We're people and we can make our own decisions. If he- if he had won he could have taken Shouto away despite the fact that Shouto didn't want him, he could have killed you and gotten a slap on the fucking wrist for it because he was an Alpha fighting in an unsupervised Challenge."

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