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Before they knew it, the end of April was approaching. Bakugou spent Golden Week mostly with his friends. They went to Pride at Yoyogi Park, got stuffed full off of festival food, and Bakugou dragged them to as many flower festivals as possible. He still missed Todoroki and Midoriya in all this but he still wasn't sure he could handle the people it would garner. Instead of being by his lonesome Midoriya flew to Hungary to spend time with Todoroki. Bakugou may just be a little peeved that he couldn't join them. Maybe it was a good thing though. They'd only been messing around for a little over a month and he was already so attached. Too attached. They needed space, independence.

With his weekend now annoyingly free Bakugou decided to visit his parents back home in Chiba Prefecture. He'd never admit to it but sometimes he really missed them.

"Katsu!" Masaru greeted his son after opening the door. The older Omega pulled Bakugou forward into a hug, their cheeks rubbing together. Bakugou let himself slip for a moment, purring alongside his dad as they scented each other. "Are you hungry? Are you tired?"

"No." Bakugou huffed, rolling his eyes. His dad had always been such a mother hen. "Not yet anyways, I should be fine until dinner." He let Masaru fret over him, calm in a way he wasn't with anybody else. He wasn't sure if it was his dad's cool personality or the fact that he was Omega as well but things had always been different with him, both for Bakugou and for his mother.

"Brat." Mitsuki greeted as she turned the corner, hand reaching up to ruffle his hair.

"Old Lady." Bakugou snipped back, head pushing lightly into her hand as he purred. She smirked, a croon leaving her mouth as she pulled him closer to scent him. Masaru joined their impromptu pile, ignoring their bickering with practiced ease.

They made a nest in the living room... well, Masaru made a nest and coaxed Bakugou into helping while Mitsuki offered fabrics here and there.

That was another thing that Bakugou started to notice. Before Midoriya and Todoroki, Bakugou had never wanted to give in to his Omega nature so much. His parents and friends always had to coax it out of him or bombard him with it. The only time he rarely put up a fight with his designation was during his Heats (but that was mostly because he knew from trying that it was futile). He spent a lot of time growing up hating himself, hating that he was Omega. Not because he thought Omegas were bad or lesser (he loved his father dearly and had no issues with Omegas) but because he had never considered the idea of himself being Omega. It didn't fit him, it didn't fit his personality. He had been so sure he would be an Alpha.

It was quite the surprise for him when he woke up one day in Heat and covered in slick instead of in a Rut with a knot.

It also lead to a different side of things that Bakugou had never even given a second thought before. Traditionalist who thought Omegas belonged at home and full of pups, not at school or work. Alphas and Betas saw Omegas as lesser than simply because they were Omega. People who expected Omegas to be small, dainty, and meek. Alphas and Betas who thought they could do whatever they wanted because Omegas were simply there for their pleasure and the growing of their Pack. People who sneered at Bakugou because he wasn't small, dainty, or meek. People who saw him as wrong, broken.

Bakugou grew up thinking that he didn't match his designation for years. He beat down the urges to nurture just as viciously as he beat up the kids in school. It was a horrible cycle. Anger at wanting to nurture, beating that anger into another kid with words and fists, and then getting even more angry when all he wanted to do afterwards was nurture the kids he hurt. That wasn't him, he wasn't like that.

"Did you expect me to be an Alpha?" Bakugou asked as his family was cuddled in their nest.

"Fuck no." His mom snorted.

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