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Midoriya had felt it since the moment he left the condo. A small, tugging sensation within him. It made him anxious and he wanted nothing more than to go back home and keep his mates close to him but logically he knew that he had to answer the challenge.

"Why didn't you have Natsuo come as witness?" Midoriya asked Iida as they drove to the courthouse. "His place isn't that far from the courthouse."

"I couldn't get a hold of him." Iida responded. "I assumed he was busy. Between Yagi and Touya, Yagi picked up first." Midoriya nodded in response, the strange tugging sensation making him restless.

"Everything will be alright Izuku." Yagi stated. "You've beat him before."

"I know." Midoriya replied with a sigh. "It's just... I don't know, I feel wrong."

"It's probably because of Bakugou's reaction." Iida offered. "As his Alpha mate you feel an intense need to stay with him and protect him even though he's not really the one in jeopardy. Seeing their mate cry like that would make any good Alpha feel wrong for leaving."

"It must be a truly scary prospect for him, I never would have expected him to burst into tears like that." Yagi added. Midoriya made a noncommittal sound, only half listening.

Once they reached the courthouse, they were greeted with the flashing of cameras and the yelling of reporters. None of them so much as batted an eye towards them as they made their way inside the courthouse. They headed straight back towards the open space that was used to hold challenges. There were a few groups of people in the room waiting but none of them included the Alpha Midoriya was supposed to fight.

"What the hell?" Midoriya muttered in anger as he looked around the large open space. "He challenges me and he's not even fucking here?!"

"I'll go find the officials." Yagi stated, making his way around the outside of the barrier that separated where the witnesses watched and where the fight would occur.

"At least this is the last time he'll ever be able to do this." Iida mused. "Honestly the fact that challenges are still legal is completely barbaric."

The tugging sensation got stronger and this time Midoriya could tell what it was. It was his bond with Todoroki. It felt different than the sensation from before... that must have been his partial bond with Bakugou. Something was wrong, the tugging was incessant and growing in fear.

"I have to go." Was all Midoriya managed to say before spinning on his heels and rushing out the way they had came, Iida yelling after him the whole way.

He burst through the front doors of the courthouse, causing a few people to cry out in surprise. He followed the direction that the tugging grew stronger towards, his feet moving automatically. In the back of his mind he realized that he was headed towards Natsuo's.

There was no one in the front of the restaurant when he wrenched the door open, nearly taking it off its hinges. For a moment it seemed as if he was wrong. His bond with Bakugou flared up suddenly, the pain and fear seeping through causing him to stagger back. His bond with Todoroki flared up not long after, filled with fear, and brought Midoriya down to his knees. His bond with Bakugou was dimming but not in the sense that he was no longer scared or hurt. Weakening. It was weakening.

"Please let him go!" He heard Todoroki beg, the Beta's voice filled with panic and desperation. Midoriya followed the sound of his Mate's voice, his eyes landing on his Beta as he rounded the corner to the back hallway. Todoroki had a wild, fearful look in his tear filled eyes as he was struggling to get free from Natsuo's hold on him. Midoriya turned to follow his gaze. Takahashi had Bakugou against a wall, his hands wrapped around the Omega's neck. Bakugou was kicking feebly, his fingers clawed at Takahashi's hands but his face was starting to go pale.

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