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It was unnerving how different Bakugou became the following few days. His mood was much worse, almost rivaling that of his middle school self. He would completely brush off talking about what happened or talks of therapy, practically running away as his scent turned sour with anxiousness. The Omega bottled it all up and tried to continue on as if nothing was wrong but it very clearly was.

"Katsuki..." Todoroki sighed, watching the ash blonde clean the kitchen for the third time that morning. "Baby, you can't keep doing this."

"It's gotta be spotless." Bakugou muttered as he moved over to rearranging the dishes.

"You know that's not what he meant." Midoriya scolded softly.

"No, I don't know." Bakugou snapped back, his scent harsh and sour.

"Kat please." Todoroki whined. "I know you don't want to but you need to."

"I don't need to do anything." Bakugou hissed back.

"Talking to someone could help, Kacchan." Midoriya tried.

"I don't need any fucking help!" Bakugou shouted, glass shattering as the plate he held was hurled to the floor. "FUCK!"

Todoroki flinched, his eyes going wide as fear crept into in his scent. His breath kicked up suddenly with panic. Midoriya stood, leaning forward to look Todoroki in the eyes.

"Hey, hey... it's okay Love. You're okay." He soothed. "You wanna go to the room while we clean this up? I promise everything's okay." Todoroki gave a stiff nod before he was standing and rushing towards their bedroom. Midoriya sighed, one big hand running through the green curls at the back of his head. "Katsuki..." He called. Bakugou faltered slightly, Midoriya rarely called him by his name and never with that voice. It made the Omega in him want to roll over and whine.

"What?!" He snapped instead, still stuck in that ugly place he'd been dragged to at the sight of Matthew.

"You can't do that anymore." Midoriya said.

"What? I'm too much of a foul mouthed bitch for you now?" Bakugou interrupted, a scowl marring his face.

"No... is that something he said to you?" Midoriya responded, a dark look in his eyes showing that he already knew the answer to that. "The throwing Kacchan, you can't throw things like that."

"It's just a shitty fucking plate." Bakugou grumbled. "I'll clean it up and pay for it, if you want."

"It's not because of the plate. It's because of Shouchan."

"I don't-."

"You and I grew up in good, safe households. Shouchan didn't. So you can't yell and throw things like that. It scares him." Bakugou's eyes widened as understanding finally donned on him.

"Oh." He gasped. "Alpha... Alpha I would never!"

"Shh, Omega I know." Midoriya assured, pulling the Omega towards him carefully. "I know you wouldn't and I know you're just really overwhelmed and scared but lashing out like that isn't okay, do you understand?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Bakugou sniffled, trying to rein in the tears building in his eyes. "I'm sorry Alpha."

"I know you are Baby, but I'm not the one you should apologize to." Midoriya replied, rubbing Bakugou's back lightly. "Go on, I'll clean it up." Bakugou nodded, sniffling as he pulled away to go find Todoroki.

"Everything's fine, everything's okay." Todoroki muttered as he rearranged the bed, pulling extra blankets from their nesting supplies to add to the arrangement. "You're fine, you're safe." He took a deep breath in, focused on making the nest just how he wanted it.

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