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When Bakugou got home, his Pack was all huddled up in the living room, waiting for him.

"You bastard!" Ashido screamed before going on a rant about all the horrible things that could have happened to him. Hagakure bodily threw herself at him with a cry of his name.

"What the fuck!" Bakugou shouted, her entire weight crashing into him and causing them to tumble to the floor. "Get off me, Hag!”

"Baku, we were so worried when Kiri called us!" She replied, her eyes filled with tears. They both let out a small "oof" as Kaminari suddenly laid himself on top of them.

"OPS had to notify your parents when we couldn't find you." He added.

"Fuck, that old hag is going to talk my ear off." Bakugou groaned.

"She's probably worried to death. You were barefoot and running around Tokyo without a single care." Kirishima stated. "You nearly gave me a heart attack when you ran across the street in the middle of traffic. Then I lost sight of you and I didn't know what to do, y'know? You could of ended up anywhere with anyone... or with no one at all. You could of been raped, abducted, killed. I should of caught you, I should have caught you."

"Shut up, Shitty Hair." Bakugou snapped quickly, his eyes boring into Kirishima's. "You did what you could. I wasn't in the right frame of mind and I'm faster than you, plus I had a head start. It's no one's fault, don't blame yourself for shit you can't control- it's not manly."

"Thanks Bakubro." Kirishima replied, a deep sigh leaving him as his shoulders relaxed.

"Yeah whatever." Bakugou grumbled. He groaned loudly as Sero joined their impromptu pile, followed by Ashido and then Kirishima. "Anybody wanna go to a BDSM club?"

"What?" Sero questioned, laughing incredulously. "Where did that come from?"

"Icy Hot's brother owns a BDSM club." Bakugou started. "We're going with Round Face, Froggy, and French Twinkle."

"I would but I have a date." Ashido gushed.

"With who, with who?!" Kaminari asked excitedly.

"I don't kiss and tell." Ashido laughed, flipping her pink hair dramatically.

"You haven't even went on the date yet." Sero mused with a roll of his eyes.

"You bitch, you've already been on a date with them before!" Bakugou yelled. "Did any of you fuckers know?" The others began speaking as one, denying having any knowledge.

"Liar! I told Tooru!" Ashido suddenly shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the blue haired Omega. “She helped me pick my outfits!”

“How are you going to just out me like that?!” Hagakure shrieked. “What happened to female solidarity?”

“Every woman for herself.” Ashido replied with a straight face.

“You’re both ridiculous.” Kirishima muttered, shaking his head.

“Hagakure really has an eye for fashion.” Aoyama gushed. “Twirl for me, Blasty Boy.”

“I’ll kill you.” Bakugou hissed in response.

“You’re so mean.” Aoyama whined.

“How the hell do I piss in this?” Bakugou questioned, staring at himself in the mirror.

“You don’t.” Aoyama giggled. “Oh, look what I got you!” The younger Omega dug through his bag before presenting two pairs of faux leather cat ears and a choker that looked a lot more like a collar. “You’ll be the cutest kitty there, after me of course.”

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