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Midoriya woke, his eyes blinking slowly in the pitch blackness as he tried to figure out where exactly he was. He realized that the reason for the complete darkness was because he, and his mates, were sleeping in their nest in their walk-in closet. Bits and pieces of why and how this came to be flooded back to him and he let out a deep sigh. His whole body ached. There was a more pressing matter though, the one that had woken him up. He needed to pee. He extricated himself from the tangle of limps, rubbing Todoroki's hand reassuringly when the Beta unconsciously gripped him tighter as he drew away.

He was quick to do his business but took a moment to access how he looked in the mirror. Exhaustion was all he saw. It felt as if he'd been run over by a train several times. Every muscle was sore, even his eyes felt sore. He stared down at his hands and arms, suddenly remembering the way they'd wrapped tightly around Takahashi Kenta's neck until the other Alpha stopped moving, stopped breathing, stopped existing...

There was a searching whine from the closet, snapping him out of his thoughts. He grabbed the first aid kit that they kept under the sink and the two empty duffle bags he found laying around in the bedroom before making his way down the hall to the kitchen, raiding the fridge and cabinet for food and water. He stuffed it all into the duffle bags, knowing that his arms could only carry so much and he wasn't planning on making a repeat trip for a fairly long time.

After he filled the bags up to the brim he made his way back to the bedroom. Back to the small safe haven that kept his Mates protected. In his absence his Mates had curled up together, their bodies practically merged into one with how close they were. Todoroki was half awake, his eyes still blurry with sleep as he looked around. His head turned, following his nose as he scented Midoriya. Bakugou, though still very much asleep, also seemed to realize subconsciously that their Alpha was back as his grip on Todoroki slackened a bit.

"Alpha." Todoroki murmured sleepily as Midoriya tried to organize the supplies. "Come back to nest, Alpha. Come back." Midoriya crawled forward, his body wrapping around the two smaller men like a thick and comforting blanket.

"Okay." He whispered back before kissing the top of Todoroki's head while his fingers ran though ash blonde strands. "I'm right here, go back to sleep."

Todoroki's eyes fell shut and Midoriya's followed soon after.

The next time he woke it was because someone was on top of him. It was still the same pitch black darkness of the walk-in closet. He had no idea what time it was, or day for that matter. Bright yellow eyes shone from above him as Todoroki stared down at him. Midoriya let his eyes bleed red and the room became clearer. Todoroki had shed his clothes and there was a sheen of sweat on his skin, his chest was heaving and he was flushed from his ears all the way down to his chest. Midoriya made a curious sound, unsure of what exactly had happened to put Todoroki in such a state.

A moan sounded from next to them, long and drawn out. Midoriya blinked, his head turned. Red met blue as Bakugou stared back at him, Midoriya's hand pressed against his mouth. He was naked and flushed, his hair damp from his sweat. He had a hand between his legs and there was a telltale white puddle pooling on his belly. Midoriya licked his lips, the heady scent of sex and his Mates' arousal making his nostrils flare. He felt hot, a burning bubble of arousal curled low in his belly. His cock went from half mast to full, pressing against Todoroki's back. The Beta purred, his hips rolled in appreciation.

Todoroki made a questioning sound and Midoriya gave a short croon in response. The Beta reached behind himself, his fingers curling around the base of Midoriya's cock. He held it firmly and lifted his body, shuffling back just a bit so the tip pressed against his hole. He hummed lowly before sinking down, his low hum turning into a pleased moan. He rolled his hips, ignoring the slight sting of the stretch as he worked himself up into a faster pace. Midoriya's unoccupied hand reached up, gripping his Mate's hip as he groaned. His eyes rolled when he felt something wet against his index and forefinger, turning to check on Bakugou.

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