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What really happened that lead to this Alpha Challenge turning into a fight to the death like the times of old?

By Yamamoto Aiko
Published July 31, 2019

how could this happen?!?!?!

how'd they end up at natsuo's???

S. Fei
good riddance!

Midoriya's super strong

Takahashi was a despicable alpha

saturn tahini
Mido already beat him before, why are second challenges even allowed???

Jamie Nakamura
I don't get it what's so great about that beta?

I feel so bad for todo's brother

Felicity Æsthetic
What a monster

Wait but what was their omega doing there

Yoshida T.
What really happened??????

A setup?!

I knew that Omega was no good!!!!

Challenges are horrendous

Carla Townsend
Feel bad for his kid

Weird how shit just keeps happening to todomido ever since they met that O...

Lady O
I hope they're OK

Midoriya stared up at the ceiling of the closet, careful to be quiet since Bakugou and Todoroki were still sleeping soundly. He blinked slowly, his mind trying to piece together what happened the last few days. He had bits and pieces from when he was coherent but the larger part of his memory was fuzzy or completely blank. Almost everything after... after he'd seen Takahashi strangling Bakugou was hazy. He couldn’t remember exactly what happened but he remembered vividly how he felt. Pure rage so strong and intense that he could still feel it at the very core of his being, simmering in his belly.

What time was it? What day was it? His body still ached and he had a small headache. His muscles felt wound tight. He sat up finally, stretching his limbs before climbing up and out of the nest. Todoroki turned over, away from Midoriya's now vacant spot and burrowed into Bakugou's side. The sight of them brought a small smile to Midoriya's face.

He made his way to the bathroom first, washing up thoroughly and completely. As he stared in the mirror he found himself thinking again, remembering. Remembering the feel of his arms wrapped tight around another's throat, of a body struggling against his own until it went limp, the terrified look in Todoroki’s eyes as he begged, the way Bakugou's face had gone pale and his lips blue.

Midoriya rushed to the toilet, emptying his stomach into the porcelain bowl as he tried to will the images and sensations away. He heaved, a torn sound left his throat. A groan and sob mixed together as tears welled up in his eyes.

Bakugou would have died. He would have died and Takahashi would have took Todoroki. Midoriya almost lost them. He almost lost them. He could have lost them!

"Alpha!" He heard a voice call out over his dry heaving. The voice low and raspy. A warm hand reached for him, ran through his green curls soothingly. "We're alright Alpha, you're alright. Calm down."

Through his tears Midoriya could see Bakugou kneeling next to him, his neck wrapped up in white bandages. The Omega was watching him with worried eyes as they knelt in front of the toilet. Midoriya let out a pitiful moan and Bakugou shushed him lightly as he started rubbing at the Alpha's back.

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