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"It doesn't matter how many times you ask, it's not goin’ to change." Bakugou stated, his voice raspy and half gone. It hurt like hell to speak but he wasn't about to give these asshole detectives the satisfaction of knowing that.

"I'm just trying to figure out how you always seem to get yourself in trouble, especially with Alphas." The detective on Bakugou's right, Suzuki, replied. He was an Alpha in his early thirties and had been effectively getting on Bakugou's nerves ever since he walked into the interrogation room.

"Even before presentation you were quite the handful." The detective on his left, Arai, added as he flipped through the folder of what Bakugou assumed to be his records. He was an older Alpha, his hair starting to grey, and while he was still an asshole he wasn't as annoying as Suzuki. "You love to pick a fight- maybe you picked one too many?"

"Alpha hopping probably wasn't a good idea either." Suzuki piped up.

"I wasn't Alpha hoppin’." Bakugou snarled... or at least he tried to, his throat felt like sandpaper. "N’ if I was an Alpha you wouldn't be grillin’ me ‘bout that crap. Alphas will be Alphas ‘n all that sexist bullshit."

"You got a chip on your shoulder about Alphas, Omega?" Suzuki asked, drawing out Bakugou's designation like a slur.

"Only against the assholes who think they can treat me any way they want." Bakugou answered. "I told you I can't tell you. Why am I still here? Where’s Izuku ‘n Shouto?"

"You're here because according to the restaurant footage and the owner, you're an accomplice." Arai answered. "So I'm sure you can see how this looks for you..."

"Yeah I do... you're takin’ that psycho's word ‘cause he was an Alpha." Bakugou hissed angrily, his voice giving out at the end. "Where’s Izuku ‘n Shouto?"

"The Alpha was being seen by a medic last I saw and the Beta is in isolation since they were unable to get him out of his Feral state." Arai answered.

"Maybe if you hadn't separated us they would've had some luck." Bakugou snapped, his hands curling up into fists out of frustration. He'd been here for over thirty minutes now and he was five seconds away from flipping the fuck out.

There was a loud bang on the door to the room, cutting their conversation short as they all looked at the door in confusion. Another bang sounded not long after and Suzuki made his way to the door, throwing it open quickly.

"What the hell is going on out here?!" He shouted. He was knocked back on his ass, Midoriya pushing past him effortlessly to get to Bakugou.

"Omega!" He rumbled, his hands running along Bakugou's body.

"Alpha." Bakugou whined in reply, pulling at the cuffs that kept him chained to the table.

"What's the meaning of this, Tsukauchi?" Arai questioned the man who had accompanied Midoriya. Tsukauchi was a tall Alpha man with short, black hair and somewhat-rectangular black eyes.

"I'll be taking over." Tsukauchi answered easily. "Uncuff him, please."

"This kid's setting Alphas up to slaughter each other and you want us to let him go?" Suzuki questioned, an edge of contempt in his tone. Midoriya snarled, raising to his full height and puffing out his chest intimidatingly. The scent of his anger filled the room almost immediately.

"Let Omega out!" He ordered, his voice a low rumble and eyes bleeding red. “Now!” Suzuki growled in reply, seemingly prepared to challenge the younger Alpha.

"Enough Suzuki." Arai sighed, pulling a key from his pocket and moving towards Bakugou.

"Someone should teach this kid to respect his elders." Suzuki argued.

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