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Pack Night Bash this week???


Bubblegum Bitch
Kept Boy let's have it at your 2nd home😈
It's way bigger

Kept Boy?!


Bubblegum Bitch


Tape Face
😂😂 That wasn't a no though

Weird Hair
PNB at Bakubro's home #2... Thurs night?

@ 7?👀

Tape Face
Bring Emmett!!!

I hate all of you

Weird Hair
You ❤️ us

And what if the actual owners of "home #2" say no?

They won't say no to you

Suck their 🍆🍆 or something

Yeah, use the sacred art of persuasion via blowjob

I'm going to kill all of you in your sleep

Bakugou rolled his eyes, completely done with his pack's antics before glaring at Kaminari- the one who started all the bullshit. Kaminari wisely kept his eyes up front despite feeling Bakugou's laser gaze of intent to kill on him.

Unlike Kaminari, Bakugou waited until after the seminar to text Midoriya and Todoroki about having Pack Night at the condo. He wasn't too surprised that they didn't object (in all actuality he could probably ask them to sell their kidneys and they'd do it without a second thought).

He and Kaminari split ways after the seminar, the younger Omega heading over to meet Sero and Kirishima at Sero and Hagakure's apartment while Bakugou went to his own home. He had a few hours until he had to go to work and Midoriya's birthday was next week, Ashido claimed to know exactly what Bakugou should get him so they were going to the mall.

Bakugou made his way to Ashido's room upon getting home, hoping she was ready to go now because he hated waiting for her to get ready.

"Oi Racoon Eyes, are-." He started as he kicked open her door. "Oh my fucking god!" Ashido shrieked, her body moving from on top of Jirou to reach for her pink comforter to cover them both up. "My fucking eyes!" Bakugou wailed as he shut his eyes.

"Don't you know how to knock?!" Ashido yelled.

"When the fuck have I ever knocked?!" Bakugou shouted back. "I can't unsee it!"

"That's what you get, Dipshit!" Ashido replied, getting up to get dressed.

"Are you decent? Will my eyes be assaulted if I open them now?" Bakugou questioned after a moment.

"Ha, ha. You're so funny." Ashido responded dryly, hands on her hips. She smirked before giving him the go ahead to open his eyes. Bakugou opened them slowly, only to be met with the sight of Ashido topless and smirking at him in amusement.

"You bitch!" He screeched loudly, eyes slamming shut again. Ashido cackled. She finished dressing and then sat at the edge of her bed. Jirou had pulled on a shirt and was watching them silently with a small grin of amusement. "This is torture, you know that right?"

"You're such a drama queen." Ashido sighed with a roll of her eyes. "What do you want?"

"What do I want?! You're the one who wanted to go to the mall!" Bakugou retorted. "Did Lobes fuck the only brain cell you had out of you?"

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