Chapter 17: You Already Did

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I arrived at the Tisch School of Arts, NYU building and swallowed hard. I couldn't believe I was here. I couldn't believe I had auditioned. I couldn't believe I had been accepted. I didn't want to be an actress, I wanted to teach drama and theatre and I knew this was the best place to learn the art. To become the actress I was so reluctant to be so I could then in turn teach it to others.

I took a deep breath and pushed through the door, making my way to the small office where I was meant to check in. I checked in and gathered all the information I needed and I was told the tour would be self guided, with a chance to ask questions at the end.

I wandered through the building, it felt old, but homey almost. There were different class rooms, marked for dance, singing, acting etc. I read the brochure as I walked around explaining everything to me and I bit my lip at how perfect it really was for me. The schedule looked demanding. Only two days would be dedicated to general education, every other day would be long intense studio days. I knew I could strive off of that environment, but it still felt slightly intimidating.

After the tour I met with the admissions office and went over everything I may have questions about. The classes, the work load, how payments would work. Before I left, I signed my letter of intent to attend after my deferred year was over. It felt so official, and even if my parents said no, I had already committed. There was no turning back.

I left the school and glanced up at the Waverly Place street sign. I pulled my camera out and snapped a picture. This would be my street now. This was home. It felt so strange, but it felt right.

I wandered just down the street to Washington Square and sat on a bench going over everything in my mind when my phone went off. It was a message from Harry finally, and I quickly opened it up.

H: I hope it's going good baby. Everything is fine here. Louis is being extremely nice to everyone. Niall doesn't seem to know anything. I think we are in the clear. Don't worry too much about it, I have no regrets, and we will figure it out. I love you.

I smiled at the text and took in a big breath of relief that everything was just fine at rehearsal for the boys.

M: I'm glad my love. I'll see you soon, I love you.

The elevator dinged on our floor and I couldn't wait to just lay down on my bed and take a nap. I hardly slept the night before and I wanted to take advantage that the boys were still at rehearsal to relax.

The moment I made it to my room, I relaxed in the bed, almost immediately knocking out.

It felt like I had only been asleep five minutes when I heard a loud banging coming from the hall. I sat up quickly, and when the loud banging came again, it was followed by my brothers voice.

"Open up the bloody door Harry! Right fucking now!" He yelled and my heart caught in my throat. I quickly made my way to the door, but stopped before opening it as I heard Harry open his.

"Mate what the hell is your problem?" Harry said, sleep in his voice.

"Right now, it's you. You're supposed to be my fucking best mate, and I get this slipped under my door, with a note saying your sleeping with my fucking sister?! Why the hell are you kissing her in these pictures?" Niall yelled and I felt my heart fall into my stomach.

What pictures, what the hell, what pictures.

And then it dawned on me, the pictures I took of Harry and I in bed together, on our first date. I hadn't seen them when I was looking over my pictures in Louis' room. I had given Louis half the stack of pictures.

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