Chapter 4: Lou

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Harry's POV

The moment tour ended, Niall insisted I move in with him for the break. We would be going back on tour in a couple months, and it would be nice to spend time with the Horans. They were my favorite family, and being with my best mate wouldn't be that bad. I missed my mum, but moving back in at the moment didn't feel like what I wanted, so I agreed.

The cab dropped us off at his house and I couldn't help but smile at my best friends face, "What? You going to cry when you see your mummy?" I teased.

"Shut it Styles, or I'll leave you out on the streets." He threatened but soon followed with laughter.

As we began making our way up to the door it opened and out ran a quick flash of blonde hair, curly and unruly as ever, and I just knew it was Macie. She jumped into her brothers arms and her held her tight, "You little brat I missed ya!"

All us boys knew, Niall loved his sister more than anything. He was unbearably over protective of her, but also the sweetest brother. When he finally put her down she walked around him to me and, I felt my breath catch in my throat.

It was Macie, but it wasn't at the same time. Her once chubby cheeks were replaced by defined cheekbones, making her lips look so plump and pink on her face. He blue eyes were lined perfectly by black liner, making them appear almost sapphire blue. She had grown at least three inches and I couldn't help but notice how, womanly her body was now. I swallowed hard and plastered a smile on my face as she was close enough to hug me. I pulled her in my arms and held her tight, "Hey Mace."

"Missed ya Haz, I'm so glad you're spending the break with us." She said breaking the hug and smiling up at me. I always knew she was beautiful, but man oh man. In this moment, she was making my heart race uncontrollably.

Macie's POV

I woke up the next morning and threw on my black leggings and white turtle neck, my hair up in a high pony. I grabbed my black puffer jacket and film camera before heading out to meet Louis at his room.

I needed to make sure I stopped by Niall's first so he didn't murder Lou later. I got to his door and knocked until he finally opened, clearly still half asleep.

"Mace, it's still so early." He rubbed at his eyes and groaned.

"I know. I just want to let you know I'm grabbing coffee with Lou and I need you to not freak out on him. It's just coffee, and you already know how I feel." I took a deep breath, really hoping he didn't make a big deal of it.

"Fine, but just warn him, he crosses a line—Yes yes, the big old over protective brother will attack. Bye now." I said turning on my heels to knock on Lou's door as Niall closed his.

Lou opened the door a minute later and smiled big at me, I quickly took a photo of him. He chuckled, "I woulda come get you!"

I shrugged, "I had to talk to Niall, so it's fine. And we are in the clear, so let's get this coffee because I need it."

"Alright, let me grab my coat, I looked up this really nice spot near by. Seemed very Macie like." He said as he ran in and grabbed his coat, coming back out, "Alright let's go."

We walked down the hall and I yawned, "Sorry."

"Long night?" He said slipping his coat on as we reached the elevators. I pressed the button, and put my puffer on.

"Um, a bit. Couldn't sleep." I smiled up at the numbers, waiting for 23 to light up.

"I'm sorry, I was knackered. Fell asleep almost instantly. It's a gift." He shrugged and I laughed.

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