Chapter 43. Epilogue

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Nathan's P.O.V

Five years later.

It was our fifth wedding anniversary. Xander and I hadn't planned to celebrate the occasion. Our daughter was sick, so we didn't feel like doing anything. My parents suggested organizing a small party. I rejected the idea when Giana began coughing. Xander and I still loved each other, and that's what mattered the most. I had decided to stay at home to take care of Giana. Elijah was now in the third grade. He was either busy with schoolwork or club activities.

Krista was in high school now. She spent more time with her friends than with us. My father retired when Giana turned two. I couldn't blame him for withdrawing. He was having health issues and needed to rest. My parents often stayed over at our house. I was busy preparing breakfast when Xander walked into the kitchen. He kissed my temple and uttered, "Happy anniversary, babe." I cupped Xander's face and kissed him passionately. Xander had never given me a reason to complain. We were trying to have another baby.

Xander sat at the dining table and asked, "Is Damion coming over with his family tonight, babe?" I nodded and replied, "Yes. They will arrive at seven." I contacted Damion when his wife died. I helped him cope with his loss. I ensured he had everything he needed. I was surprised when Damion and Everett fell in love. They had twins now and contacted us regularly. I smiled when I heard Giana giggle. The little girl had a runny nose. She ran into the room without looking and bumped her leg against a chair. Giana was lively. I don't know how many times I told her to be careful.

Xander quickly picked up our daughter to console her. The little girl was laughing like a maniac. She didn't feel any pain. I groaned and said, "Giana needs to learn from her mistakes, Xander. You can't baby her forever." The little girl hid her face in her father's chest when I grabbed her leg to see if she was alright. I sighed when I saw that Giana's left knee had turned red. I walked out of the kitchen to grab the VapoRub Vicks. I ran into Elijah on my way back to the kitchen. I kissed my son's head, then asked, "Do you have everything you need for school today, munchkin?" Elijah stroked Momo's head and replied, "Yes, papa." I ruffled my son's hair and stated, "Good. Your father will drop you off at school, and I will pick you up later. Don't forget to finish your lunch."

I took care of Giana's knee, then had breakfast with my family. Xander's parents looked after Giana while I finished my work. Time flew by. It was soon time to pick up Elijah from school. Jax followed me to the car. My loyal companion had gotten old but still followed me everywhere. Elijah ran to me when he saw me. I grabbed his bag and asked, "Did you eat everything, Elijah?" Elijah waved at someone, then replied, "Yes, papa. The pasta was delicious. My teacher was talking about you and daddy today. She said she was looking forward to reading about your anniversary party tomorrow." I sighed while pondering why people were so interested in our love life. A girl had started a blog about famous couples a few years back. We were surprised when we found out she was interested in us. We were too busy to take action.

Giana was napping when I returned. I didn't want to disturb her, so I concentrated on Elijah. The boy finished his homework, then watched tv. I frowned when I heard a reporter say, "Life is short. We should enjoy every minute of it." The report was about Arizona. The state got hit by a hurricane. Many people had lost their houses. The guy was right. Xander and I got blessed with money and good health. We should put it to good use.

I contacted the helpline center and donated money to hurricane relief. I called my mother after that and asked her to help me organize a party. My mother hired an event planner to assess the situation. The woman and her team decorated our backyard and ordered food. I got the kids ready for the party before Xander arrived. I had only invited family and close friends. I was surprised when Xander walked into the house with his assistants. Jessica and Kevin were carrying bags. Xander laughed and stated, "It seems like we got the same idea. These are for you and the kids, darling." I gasped and uttered, "I forgot to buy you a gift, Xander." Xander laughed and declared, "It's alright, babe. I already have what I need."

Our guests had started to arrive. I kissed Xander and said, "Take a shower and wear the clothes I arranged for you. Tomorrow is a workday. People might want to leave early." Xander nodded, then ran upstairs. My parents and Krista arrived with Damion, Everett, and their kids. I led them to the backyard, then offered them drinks. Xander quickly returned to the scene. He greeted our guests, then gave a short speech. I looked in satisfaction at the people around us. Xander and I had managed to build a strong bond with those who were at the party. I wouldn't change anything for the world. Xander laced his fingers through mine and said, "Nathan and I wouldn't know what to do without you guys, so thank you for your support."

We chatted while eating. I liked the way things went. My wish was to show people how much we appreciated them. We had succeeded in doing so. Xander and I took a break after everyone left. My parents and Krista had decided to stay at our house. We sat on the patio, then gazed at the sky. I chuckled when Xander said, "I feel old, babe." I kissed Xander's cheek and replied, "I will love you no matter how old and wrinkly you get, darling." Xander hugged me tightly, then stated, "Let's make our days count, Nathan. We can't let anything happen to our family or us."

I smiled, then asked, "What would you like to do on your birthday, babe? You are not called the Christmas prince for nothing." Xander chuckled and replied, "I want to spend the whole day with our family. Let's fly to the Bahamas so no one can disturb us." It was like Xander had read my mind. It was about time we concentrated on our family. Our kids were growing. I wanted to enjoy every moment of it.

I wanted our children to feel like they could talk to us about anything. Keeping them happy was our priority. Xander fell asleep on my lap. I knew he was tired. I kissed Xander's forehead and stated, "Keep up the good work, babe. You are an amazing human being." I got startled when Xander grabbed my neck and kissed me passionately. I smiled when Xander uttered, "You taught me how to live, Nathan. Remember how I ignored everyone before? I was stupid to think I could survive alone."

I stroked Xander's head and said, "I didn't do anything, Xander. It was you who worked hard to better yourself. You deserve to be happy for all eternity." Xander kissed me softly and said, "I thank God every morning for creating you, Nathan. I don't know what the future holds, but I promise not to leave your side." Xander didn't have to prove his love to me. A loving life partner was all I ever wanted, and my wish had come true. We welcomed our third child a year later.

Adriel was different than Elijah and Giana. He was happy as long as he had something to do. He loved spending time with my parents. Our family was finally complete. Xander and I couldn't wait to see our kids grown up and married.

Hi guys, this story is finally complete. I hope you all liked how it ended. Thank you for your love and support. Please check out my other stories. You might come to enjoy them. Stay safe, everyone, and until soon:-)

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