Chapter 22. Broken hearts

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Nathan's P.O.V

I forgot to make an appointment at the grooming shop for Jax. I had a super busy week coming up. It would be best if I handled the task as soon as possible. I notified Xander about where I was going, then walked back to the shop. I got the shock of my life when I opened the shop's door. Luke was standing by the front desk. He was busy making an appointment for some dog named Archie. I tapped on Luke's shoulder then asked him, "What are you doing here, Luke? As far as I know, you don't own a dog." Luke looked at me in shock. He gazed at Jax, then responded to me with, "I'm here with a boy. He had trouble finding this place, so I helped him." I rubbed my face in frustration, then asked Luke, "You have time for others, but not for me, Luke?" I didn't want to sound desperate, but Luke was getting on my nerves.

I lost my mind when Luke shifted the blame onto me once again. I walked out of the establishment in anger. I had enough of Luke's bullshit. He knew that I had no romantic feelings for Xander. It was time to end things once and for all. I walked to Xander's car and asked Kevin to drop Krista off at our house. I hugged my sister and promised her that I wouldn't do anything reckless. I left before Xander returned with Martin. I realized in the car that I had left Xander alone with Luke at the groomers. I didn't care about what happened between the two anymore. It was over and done between Luke and me.

Jax whined when he saw how angry I was. I stroked my dog's head and uttered, "Don't worry, Jax. I'm on a path to better my life. You will see the difference in my attitude soon." Jax pricked up his ears when he recognized Luke's house. I parked my car then grabbed the spare key. I opened the front door and said to my dog, "Go grab all your toys, Jax. It's the last time we will ever visit this place." Jax ran in the direction of the living room. I grabbed two trash bags then began packing up my stuff. Jax managed to gather all his toys within a few minutes.

He stared at me while I collected my belongings. Jax never liked Luke. I doubted that he would ever miss him. I made sure that I had everything then left Luke's house. I shook my head when I saw that it was already 9 pm. Luke would have contacted me if he cared about me. Jax yipped when I started the car. My mother texted me when I was on my way home. I decided to wait till I reached home to check the message. I parked my car in the driveway, then stroked Jax's back. I was trying to figure out how to explain things to my parents and Krista. They thought that Luke and I would grow old together. Jax barked when my father walked out of the house. Caleb knocked on my window, then asked me, "Is everything alright, son? I was going to your aunt's house to pick up some stuff when I spotted you." I smiled at Caleb then answered him with, "Yes, dad. I'm doing great tonight. Could you help me carry my stuff into the house? Luke and I broke up for good this time."

Caleb frowned and asked me, "Are you sure, Nathan?" I nodded at my father, then stated, "Yes, dad. I won't change my mind this time." Caleb chuckled when he saw the trash bags. He grabbed one of them then asked me, "Why didn't you come home to pick up a suitcase, Nathan?" I jumped out of my car, then said to Caleb, "Because I wanted to get out of there as fast as possible, dad. Luke's a smooth-talker. I didn't want to fall into his trap again." Caleb pulled me into his arms, then stated, "I'm proud of you, my son. Your mother and I saw how much you were suffering. Let's go inside. She made your favorite dish tonight." I remembered the text that Dahlia had sent me as soon as Caleb mentioned her. I grabbed my phone to check the message.

A tear rolled down my cheek when I read the text, "You don't need to explain anything to us, son. We understand why you had to get rid of Luke. Don't worry about Luke, and live your life to the fullest. You will meet someone nice soon, son. We love you and will always be here for you. See you soon, Nathan. Bye." Caleb threw his arm around my shoulder, then uttered, "Let's go, son." I smiled at my father then walked into the house with Jax and him.

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now