Chapter 21. United at last Part 2

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Xander's P.O.V

I had witnessed something I shouldn't have. I thought I would have trouble sleeping knowing that Nathan was in pain, but I was wrong. I slept like a baby that night. I would have slept till the afternoon if a seagull hadn't crashed into my window. I jumped out of my bed when I saw that it was already ten-thirty. I ran to Elijah's room to check on him. My son wasn't in his room. A maid was busy cleaning the space. The maid greeted me, then stated, "Your son is in the kitchen with Nathan, Krista, and Jax, sir. He is having a blast with the dog there." I thanked the woman then left the room.

I decided to take a shower before going downstairs. I could hear my child giggle in the kitchen. I took a deep breath then walked into the kitchen. My eyes fell on Nathan first. Nathan was busy making pancakes by the stove. I never knew that he could cook. I thought that Nathan would be depressed about what had happened between Luke and him. But he seemed to be in a good mood. Nathan looked immaculate in his blue apron. The text "Mr. Goodlooking is cooking" suited him well. I could see that it was a gift from Krista. Her initials were on the apron. I groaned when Elijah bumped into me. He had been rolling around on the floor with Jax like a maniac. I picked up my son and asked him, "Why are you acting so rambunctious in the morning, Elijah?"

Nathan got startled when Elijah squealed. He quickly turned around to look at the boy. My heart melted when Nathan smiled at me. Nathan turned off the stove, then said, "Good morning, Xander. I hope that you had a great night. We woke early this morning. Krista had some homework to do. Elijah was wide awake when I went to check on him. So I decided to bring him downstairs with us. He has been playing with Jax this whole time. Did you know that he wanted a puppy?" Krista was busy solving math problems by the kitchen counter. I took a seat next to her, then responded to Nathan with, "Yes, Nathan. Elijah told me many times about it. I don't think that he is old enough to own a puppy."

Krista frowned, then asked me, "You do know that Nathan is a master in training dogs and kids, right, Xander? He started training me how to handle Jax when I was one year old." Nathan placed a plate full of pancakes in front of me, then said, "You are underestimating your child, Xander. I have observed Elijah. He can be gentle when he wants to be. Let him adopt a golden retriever puppy. There are many of them at our local animal shelter. The cops confiscated them from a puppy mill. Golden retrievers are gentle dogs and don't need as much exercise as some of the other dog breeds do." Elijah looked expectantly at me. I didn't want to promise Elijah anything yet.

I was planning to travel to Europe soon. My parents were right. It was time for me to inspect my assets personally. Elijah clutched my shirt then asked me, "Can I have a puppy, daddy? I'm sure that uncle Nathan will help me take care of little Momo." Krista slammed her fist on the table and burst out laughing. Nathan glared at her. Krista pinched Elijah's cheek then stated, "I can't believe that you have already thought of a name for the dog, Elijah. It's such a cute name, little buddy." Elijah grabbed Krista's hand and yelled, "It is, isn't it, aunt Krista?" Nathan shook his head while looking at the kids. He sighed then uttered, "I can't promise you anything, Elijah, because I'm busy as well." Elijah rubbed his face on my chest. Nathan looked at Elijah with concern. He contemplated, then stated, "I will help you look for a puppy first, Elijah. We can then take it from there." Elijah clapped his hands, then yelled, "That's great, uncle Nathan!" He grinned, then asked me, "Did you hear that, daddy? Uncle Nathan promised to help me. Can I have a puppy now?"

Elijah didn't need to plead anymore. I was already pleased that Nathan would be spending more time with us. I kissed my son's head then responded to him with, "Of course, Elijah. You can choose a puppy on Monday." Krista sighed and stated, "I would have loved to see Elijah's reaction when he holds Momo for the first time, but I have school." Nathan stroked Krista's head, then stated, "It's alright, sis. We can visit the animal shelter in the afternoon. That will also give Xander the time to buy the things he needs to raise a puppy. Now, let Xander check your homework while I get the food ready. He always came first in class."

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now