Chapter 25. First date

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Xander's P.O.V

Nathan and I had agreed to see each other on Friday night. I didn't know how to surprise Nathan. I had been waiting for this day. I didn't know what to do now that it had finally arrived. I asked Nathan where he wanted to go. He chuckled, then stated, "Somewhere quiet." I asked Dahlia to help me organize the date. She arranged everything for me. I was looking forward to spending some quality time with Nathan. I had a lot of meetings and inspections during the week. I was exhausted by Thursday night. I went home early on Friday. I wanted to be well-rested for our first date.

I was still in bed when Nathan called me. I quickly picked up my phone. Nathan greeted me, then uttered, "You don't have to pick me up, Xander. My parents are going to my aunt's house tonight. They will drop me off at the restaurant before they go." I was disappointed, but I didn't let it show. I took a deep breath, then said to Nathan, "Alright, Nathan. I'll see you there then." Nathan was still at work. He turned off his phone when someone called out to him. I was just about to lie down again when my phone rang. I sighed when I recognized Carson's number. Carson uttered the moment I answered my phone, "Guess what, Xander?" I shook my head, then asked Carson, "What, Carson?" Carson cheered and stated, "I won, Xander. I helped my company save millions of dollars, and it's all thanks to you. Thank you so much for supporting me, my friend."

I gazed at my watch, then said to Carson, "You are welcome, Carson. I have to go now. I have to get ready for my date." Carson went silent for a moment. I chuckled when he asked me, "Are you going out with some gold digger again?" I got out of bed, then responded to Carson with, "No, Carson. We will talk about this when I'm free. Bye." I took a shower, then got dressed. Elijah was playing with his nanny in the living room. He clung to me when it was time for me to leave. I hugged Elijah, then stated, "I'll see you in the morning, baby boy." Elijah nodded and uttered, "Good night, daddy." I asked my driver to take the shortest route to the restaurant. We arrived fifteen minutes early. Martin opened the door for me and said, "The private room is ready, sir. I'll be with you in a minute." I walked into the restaurant without my bodyguards. The receptionist approached me when she recognized me. She led me to a private room and uttered, "One of our staff will be with you shortly, sir."

I kept looking at my watch while enjoying a drink. Nathan walked into the private room when the clock struck eight pm. I couldn't believe my eyes. Nathan looked great in his dark blue dress shirt and leather jacket. I hugged Nathan and stated, "You look different in casual clothes, Nathan." Nathan chuckled then said jokingly, "This is nothing, Xander. You should see me in a tuxedo" I kissed Nathan's cheek, then said, "Hopefully, I'll get a chance to see you in all your glory soon, Nathan." Nathan gave me a nudge and asked me, "What are you talking about, Xander? You already know everything about me." Nathan took a seat when the waiter arrived with the menus.

I noticed that Jax hadn't accompanied him. I handed Nathan a glass of champagne, then asked him, "Where is Jax?" Nathan placed his order, then responded to me with, "Jax is with my parents. He needs to enjoy his life too. That poor puppy has to follow me around like a stalker every day." I chuckled, then asked Nathan, "Will you be alright without him, Nathan?" Nathan grinned at me, then stated, "Yes. I already took my medicine." We reminisced while eating. It felt like we were seventeen again. I was surprised when Nathan said he would like to meet his bullies again. I grabbed Nathan's hand and asked him, "Are you sure you want to see them, Nathan? There is a reunion in a few months. I never attend these kinds of activities. I will join you if you want to go." Nathan winked at me, then uttered, "I was joking, Xander. Who would want to see the people who made their life miserable?" I could feel Nathan's pain. Kids started bullying me after I stood up for Nathan. I did my best not to punch them. I wanted to graduate without a hitch. I never looked back after I left the school and city.

Nathan finished his food, then asked me, "Are you alright, Xander?" I nodded and responded to Nathan with, "You are right. It's no use in digging up the past." Nathan wiped his mouth clean, then asked me, "Where are you taking me after this, Xander?" I smiled at Nathan, then declared, "I wanted to take you somewhere special tonight, Nathan. Please, let me know if you have any requests." Nathan got up, then stated, "I wanted to take you to my favorite place in the whole wide world, Xander. Come on. Let's go. We will visit the other location next." I paid the bill, then left the restaurant with Nathan. I frowned when people stared at Nathan. Nathan was an attractive guy. It was understandable, but I didn't like it. Nathan greeted my driver when he got into the car. He handed the driver a piece of paper, then smiled at me. I pinched Nathan's cheek when he asked me, "So, which car are you putting in the race, Xander?" Nathan rubbed his face and stated, "I'm not a child, Xander." Nathan's eyes widened in surprise when I said, "I couldn't help it. You are so cute."

I took my phone out of my pocket, then searched for a photo of the Chevrolet Camaro I was planning to use. Nathan whistled when he saw the car. He handed the phone back to me, then stated, "Good choice, Xander. I will be there to support your company even if you are using this event to gain exposure." I was shocked when the car stopped by a familiar house. My driver looked in bewilderment at me. Nathan grabbed my hand, then said, "Come on. I want to show you something." I got out of the car, then followed Nathan to the back of the house. I hadn't visited the place in a while. So I didn't know what was going on behind it. There was a pond in the backyard, but I hadn't paid too much attention to it. I was surprised when the scent of waterlilies hit my nose. I looked at Nathan in shock when I saw the beautiful deck on the pond. Nathan led me to the deck, then said, "Take a seat, Xander. It's my favorite place to be. Jax and I love to watch the ducks from here." I pulled Nathan into my arms, then asked him, "How did you find this place, Nathan?"

Nathan rubbed my back and stated, "Carter's friend lives next door. His son kicked his ball over the fence during a barbeque party once. I offered to help him retrieve it. Jax followed the noises of the ducks and found the pond. The pond was full of grass and weed. But I could still see the beauty of it. I wrote a letter to the owner and asked him if he could clean it. He was happy to oblige. I planted the waterlilies and fixed the deck myself. I come here to relax when I have had a bad day. This place calms my mind." My father must have replied to Nathan's letter. I was ecstatic. I kissed Nathan passionately, then said to him, "This house belongs to you, Nathan. I wanted you to live here when you got out of the detention center. The school I thought you would attend is not far from here. I didn't visit the house after returning to the U.S with my family. I didn't know how beautiful the pond had become. God truly works in mysterious ways. I should thank my father for letting you use the deck."

Nathan looked at the house, then at me. He took a step back, then asked me, "You bought such a big house just for me?" I pulled Nathan closer to me again, then answered him with, "Yes, Nathan, because I wanted only the best for you. I think I always loved you. It only took me some time to realize my feelings. Your mother was here this afternoon. I asked her to decorate the house with your favorite things. Let's get inside. I don't want you to catch a cold." Nathan chuckled when I opened the door. There was a heart in the corridor and caramel scented candles everywhere. The whole room lit up when I turned on the lights in the living room. 

The ballad, "The one that you love by Air Supply" began playing. Nathan reached his hand out to me, then said, "Would you like to dance to my favorite song, Xander?" I grabbed Nathan's hand, then uttered, "I would love to, Nathan." Nathan and I held each other tightly while dancing. I stroked Nathan's back when he began crying. Nathan wiped his tears away, then stated, "Dahlia and Caleb truly saved me. I would be roaming the streets if they hadn't helped me recover. I guess it's true when people say good comes to those who wait." I kissed Nathan passionately, then said, "I love you, Nathan. I will never hurt you again. You truly deserve the best in the world." Nathan kissed me back, then stated, "I love you too, Xander." I was over the moon with joy. I had finally gotten what I wanted. I hoped that no one ruined my happiness.

Hi, my dear readers, don't worry. The story isn't over yet. Sorry for the short chapter. I couldn't write a long one due to my hectic schedule. Stay safe, and until next Wednesday.

Kidnapped by my stalker (No stalking involved, BoyxBoy, MXM) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now