cowboy hat - Jake Serisin

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When Jake took you out to Houston for the summer, you never expected to like it. You, being from Chicago, are used to the cold, not the heat. "Why is it so hot?" You groan making Jake chuckle. He picks you up bridal style off the deck chair and slowly walks down the steps and into the pool.

"Look, you'll be all right," Jake reassures as he peppers you with kisses. He moves you so that your legs are wrapped around his waist. You kiss his lips, and he smiles into the kiss. You reach up and take his cowboy hat off his head, putting it on your own. You part and Jake smirks at you.

"You like my hat baby?" He asks making you nod. You lean down and rest your head on his shoulder. Jake chuckles. "My pretty baby girl." He says softly making you smile.

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