My Queen - Gabriela Gonzalez

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"Ok, are you ready?" Gabbie asks me. I nod and sit next to her and Lav in front of her camera. "And we're recording." She says. "Hey guys it's Gabbie and today I'm here with my wife!"

"Hi, I'm Y/n," I say happily.

"And Lav," Lavender says.

 "God, you're so big!" Gabbie says as Lavender laughs. "And today we're going to be doing a Q&A! Ok so the first question is how old are you. I'm 21."

"I'm 21," I say.

"I'm 4," Lavender says.

"Next question, what was the last movie you guys watched as a family?" Gabbie asks. My stomach erupts with butterflies. 

"I think it was Moana," I say trying to think back. Lavender nods.

"It was last night." Gabbie says. Gabbie looks back at her phone for the next question. "Next question is who is the biggest prankster?"

"I think Jack pranks us all when he's here to see Lav," I say and Gabbie nods.

"Daddy always pranks us," Lavender says.

"Next question, what do you guys do for work other than Youtube?" Gabbie asks. "I'm a store owner." 

"I'm a singer and an actress," I say.

~time skip~

"I just want to say it's an absolute honour to be up here tonight. There are two people I want to bring out onto the stage. Can I please bring up my wife and our daughter?" Everyone cheers and I see Gabbie and Lavender come onto the stage. Lavender runs up to me and I pick her up. "So this is my daughter Lavender and my wife Gabbie. Lavender's dad is Jack Avery and he's a wonderful father to her." People 'aww' and Lavender giggles.

"Your family is absolutely beautiful." James Corden says coming up onto the stage. I smile and Gabbie takes Lav from me. 

This is my family and I love it.

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