love letters - Eleven [6]

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As I sit at my desk reading the love letter Eleven sent me, I can't help but smile. She always tries her best when she writes letters to me and it just warms my heart.

Dear Y/n,

Today it rained. It made me think of you. I remember you told me how much you liked the rain because it meant you could stay inside and read. I smile every time I hear the rain falling on the window. Hopper thinks it's just because I like the sound of it, but it's because of you. I read the books you sent me. I think they're good. You'll have to send me a list of things you want for your birthday so I can buy you some more books to read so you don't have to steal your brother's old school work. Next time I see you, I'm going to give you flowers and a teddy bear. I promise.

Love El :)

I get out my notebook and begin to write a letter to El back. This is something we do instead of calling. We think it's more special.

Dear El,

You have no idea how much I miss going out to see you. It makes me so sad when I find something cool and can't show you, so I've just been writing them down so I could tell you about it. The other day at the record store, I saw an ABBA record and bought it so that when you come over we can slow dance to Chiquitita. I got a new pair of socks the other day and they have waffles on them. It made me think of you. I can't wait until I get to see you again. We can watch movies all night and make cookies and we can even have a dance party. My mom said that when Hopper lets you out, you guys can come over for dinner. Steve thinks it's a good idea. He likes how happy you make me. And I love how happy you make me. I love you, El.

Love Y/n

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