Hot Chocolate - Chase Hudson

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"Baby come on!" I whine as Chase laughs at me. Today Chase and I decided to go to Starbucks to get hot chocolate and let's just say I'm excited.

"I'm coming!" Chase says making me smile. When he catches up to me he holds my hand and we go into the Starbucks. We go up to the counter and order two hot chocolates. As we wait a young girl approaches us.

"Excuse me, are you guys Chase Hudson and Y/n Y/l/n?" She asks.

"Yeah!" I say making her smile.

"Can I take a photo with you guys?" She asks making Chase and I nod. She hands her mom the phone and we take a picture together before our orders are called. "Thank you so much."

"No problem!" I say happily as the girl walks away with her mom. Chase and I get our hot chocolates and leave the Starbucks.

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